What happened to the US RBG community?

Not a single person that I’ve known since Legion has logged in or been in an rbg group for three days.

The community seems to of the same size as it was in the past, but it seems to be an entirely new crowd.

I think this has a lot to do with blizzard devs just letting battleground balance and development fall careening off a cliff into molten hot lava. I mean the balance to make tank specs besides guardian and vengeance DH viable is abysmal.

There are specs like boomy (just any example, not end all/be all) that for a while were making up half the representation because their kit was so strong. Blizzard just can’t seem to balance with RBGs in mind.

This is also coupled with the fact that there have been no new maps since Seething Shore was added WAY back before BFA came out. And that was three expansions ago or roughly six years. Meanwhile, you have arenas which see one or sometimes multiple maps per expansion be added to the game.

I know that’s not really fair to compare the troubles and technicality of making entire map like a BG to a small-scale arena style. But it is still important to point that out a pivotal aspect of the lack of content.

Blizz just let the community languish far too long with sometimes extreme droughts of balance affecting performance and morale. This might change with solo shuffle though. But it remains to be seen if they can make sure other specs besides the standard RBG meta actually function properly IE: balance all tanks seperately with each having its own degree of pvp modifiers.

Blanket damage taken and some mechanics like flag carrying running counter to how specs work doesn’t help. Take the specs let each one shine due to their own strengths.


theres like maybe 20 geeks that play RBG and stomp every1 else out

these top teams often fight teams 400-500 mmr below them for easy wins

its a terrible dog crap bracket tbh

no need to be super sweaties for conquest gear anymore.

It’s different group of 20-50 geeks, that’s what surprised me.

Late Edit:

Thought maybe I lost btags from not playing the whole expansion. Nope.

Just to double check I went to 10-12 discords. All empty. Last chats in the discords are also months old (if any).

If by “super sweaties” you mean people who simply do any kind of rated content in the game then yeah sure.

Rather than sitting in premades.

I stopped rated bg because a) career and a small side business. And so what little time I don’t want to sit in a group waiting for a good bear tank to come by. The fact that bear tanks have such an advantage over other tanks is ludicrous


Yeah I found myself today mostly waiting for an — established — bear tank.

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Once your over 1800cr things smooth out and I have lots of discord
Communities to play in. I had three of my healers over 1800 last season …no time this season so no play. I do blitz and for a filthy casual like
Me now…blitz rated is a god send because I can log in Que up and grind cr and I don’t gotta wait for a bear tank

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Well the people that played it in the past are probably got banned I’d imagine.

I wouldn’t doubt if this was true.

The play seems cleaner right now. I haven’t come across turboboost kickbot/flyhack teams yet.

There was a time in shadowlands when you had private coders making 10 man cross-cc + no overlap kickbots (all players connected to one virtual machine).

They cant all just be touching grass on the same days could they? Generally Id say most folks that are pvping are doing some kind of BGs for fun. Maybe mostly Blitz unless queue syncing. Just had a 30min queue wait for a blitz, but it is a weekday early afternoon.

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Building a team for RBG’s is the most time consuming, painful, and thankless job in this entire game, and that’s saying something when compared to Mythic raiding guilds and recruitment. In essence, no one wants to spend hours or days putting something together only for it to fall apart after the first sweaty loss…

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When you have a team of mostly regulars, RBGs are some of the best fun in the whole game. High highs but yeah there are low lows, like having most of the team bail after a match whether you won or lost.

To true same 20 ppl flexing their Epeens

I can’t agree with this, because it appears the RBG community is very much alive, moreso than before. Lots of 2000k+ CR “yolo no voice” groups in the LFG.

I jsut have no idea what happened to everyone I know lol.

If it was an issue of them dropping my btag after a year of inactivity, I’d have found them by now via discord and the old RBG community groups.

The new community groups are alive, so I have to reintroduce myself to a new set of people.

Overall it’s quite fun.

I hate getting randomly removed on a whim after waiting 40 minutes to join a group

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