What happened to the Pillars?

As per the most recent Exploring Azeroth the Pillars were now back in Dalaran. So that means they are either scattered and missing in Dorn somewhere or are now destroyed, or worse somehow in Xal’s possession.

I am hoping they dont get forgotten especially considering we will be dealing with the titans soon.

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I assume the contents of Dalaran’s many vaults being scattered to the four winds will pop up in plots for years to come. They couldn’t have secured it all.


The mumbo jumbo aside… are these Pillars even interesting?

The most interesting pillar is the Tear of Elune, but the origin of that is unclear

The best that could be said about them is that they are an open plot hook… but without a destination.

If the Pillars are on one’s mind , specifically , for some reason….

smashing Dalaran open and hoping for something interesting out of the debris?


What you mean by “interesting” ? In what sense? Because they are still quite powerful as we could see what the Tidestone can do for example.

Why is it the most interesting to you?

In my opinion i think they are in the Dark Heart now, absorbed by Xal’atath because its why she destroyed Dalaran for, she even says that the great power the city hold will be usefull to her.

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Well :clap:

  • The Eye of Aman’Thul helped create the Nightwell. The Eye can channel immense amounts of arcane magic and has power over space-time, having shown the ability to create massive portals – Hence to why Gul’dan wanted to use it for the Legion.
  • From the Tidestone of Golganneth flowed rivers and seas, and according to Aegwynn can wash clean the darkness that scars the world (Fel).
  • The Hammer of Khaz’goroth forged ancient wonders and shaped the earth itself.
    It’s even said by Ebonhorn that Dargrul only tapped into but a mere sliver of its power, as he was unworthy to wield its true potential.
  • The Aegis of Aggramar can can create a great, impenetrable wall of energy to protect its wielder and was once even used to defend the young world soul against all forms of madness and corruption.

I’d say Aggramar was the G.O.A.T, having put a device that protected the world soul of Azeroth — To an extent, it’d be ironic & clever if it was revealed his shield even protected Azeroth from the subtle influences Aman’Thul and Khaz’Goroth sought to implement upon it.

:beers: Me too fam, me too.

It’d be intriguing if in the chaos of the Nerubians, others went to steal the artifacts & leg it – Unironically saving them from the grasp of Xal’atath. :joy: It could be an interesting questline tracking them down if such was the case.


At the very least they will probably show up as raid boss mechanics for either Xal or her servants is my guess.

They might do cool story things with them too, only time will tell.

The only thing the Tear did was to send a dead dragon to Ardenweald in such a bad shape that we had to save it there.

The Tidestone opend up Naz’jatar to airbreathers, and is still propping up the waterwalls.

It dont anymore, as the book “Exploring Azeroth: Islands and Iles” states : The Tidestone was returned to Dalara and Nazjatar is submergered once more.

In the sense that they have the potential to contribute to future storylines, yes. (IMO.)


One thing I notice was this particular exploring Azeroth was more willing to give details about changes to the zones. The others felt more like it was interested in keeping as much of the status quo as possible.

Exploring Isles and Islands, besides establishing post-war changes, also has the feeling that it helps set up future plot points more than the previous books (which were sloppy with lore and often basically just told you what the zone looked like at the end of Cata)

The sheer power of the Artifacts should not make us worry about losing valuable Artifacts but worry about what Xal’atath would do with them?

Of course Azshara would likely be the expected buyer considering the Naga speak of Azshara returning after the Awakening is completed by the Harbinger.

Xal’atath the Harbinger grabbed at Dalaran’s raw Arcane Energy and yet is working in Kezan which should only have a stockpile of Azerite therefore Azshara just wants Arcane Energy and the power of Dalaran.

No doubt Xal’atath had hoped Azshara would want the Dark Heart since that fits the terms but Azshara is not stupid and probably would notice it can’t convert Necrotic Death into Raw Arcane therefore she will probably not only reject it and take the Azerite and Pillars of Creation but also infuse the Dark Heart’s Energy into Xal’atath herself just to spite her reminding her that Azshara is the Devil of the deal.

Xal’atath has too much honor to go back on her deals despite using exact words so obviously she is not the Devil in this deal being too Lawful Evil while Azshara who is Neutral Evil would backstab Xal’atath first chance she gets.

As for what Azshara will do with her power: The Azerite is Azeroth’s Blood purified by Beledar and it’s kind so Azshara will first use the Eye of Aman’Thul to reverse her physical transformation so that she can absorb the Azerite then absorb the Tears of Elune no doubt turning into that upstart “goddess” that Xal’atath mistook Elune for.

Then Azshara will go to Beledar and start using the Aegis to shield the Light Crystal from the Black Blood of C’thun and use the Eye of Aman’Thul to reverse any shifts to Emerald Dream the Beledar undergoes due to contact with the World Tree’s Roots while also going back in time to investigate the past once she realizes that what she is looking for isn’t there using the Eye of Aman’Thul to resolve the shifts to Void the Beledar undergoes from the Black Blood of C’thun making various jumps to the past to find what she is looking for.

What is Azshara looking for? I suspect the Sigils of Light. I also suspect the Black Goat with 7 Eyes watching the Black Pool from the outside is the gate which means the 7 Eyes are the Sigils which means Azshara has to get the Eye in the Blade of the Black Empire to reach Zereth Lumen.

Yes that means Beledar and the Light Crystals are the Light Realms and that the Void is a byproduct of Azshara’s Time Travel bringing the Black Blood with her tainting the Light Realms and thus not the Realm tied to Zereth Umbrae.

I’m sure the Light upon realizing the True Shadow is not showing it’s face except in the single instance where it infected Sylvanas slowly making her less emotional(and paradoxically less invested in Zovaal’s plan according to her Novel and thus probably the very reason she defied him upon him revealing his true colors) will fly into a panic trying to find where the “evil”(apathetic is more like it) Shadow is hiding.

Off topic but somewhat related.

I still want to know what happened to the Tempest Caller helm from Crucible of Storms. The Trident and the Void Stone became items that dropped off Uu’nat. But the Tempest Caller didn’t. So for two of the three artifacts Xal’atath had us collect for N’zoth you can infer that we claimed them for ourselves after killing Uu’nat (and by we I mean horde players because they canonically got the kill on Uu’nat and did that chain with Xal’atath).

So the Hammer of Khaz’goroth is loose somewhere, or with Xal’atath, and Dagran is also still in Khaz Algar, and his mother left with the Bronzebeard family hammer. He has no one supervising him except for Brann “Let’s Poke It With A Stick” Bronzebeard, and the adventurer. Both sides of his family have famous hammers associated with them (albeit with Ironfoe it was stolen) and have strong magical and Titan links. The Hammer of Khaz’goroth has apparently not found a wielder capable of unlocking its true power.

Blizzard has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever, here.

Add another godlike faction rep to the Alliance roster?

Thrall can have the Tidestone.