What happened to the new Shadow Crash animation?

Did I hallucinate for a period? I was sure the animation was updated.

What gives?

Pure schizophrenia memory, I’m afraid. Shadow Crash never had its animation adjusted.

That can’t be true seeing as I’m watching a video of the new animation as I type this.

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Only thing I could find is a post from Publik on Twitter of something which lasted a portion of a beta cycle and - I think - later became entropic rift.

The two were definitely independent of one another with the animation changing when traited into the targeted version; and I was enjoying both the new animation and entropic rift simultaneously at the beginning of the expansion.

I guess it just boils down to Bliizard’s growing incompetence.

It existed alongside the initial implementation of targeted shadow crash only, when it was called void crash. It was removed once the spell was renamed to shadow crash.

It’s depressing that we miss out on the new animation because of this.
Seeing as it’s such a vital component to SP’s kit.