What happened to the Guardians of Hyjal?

One does not eliminate the other. Elves are descended from Trolls and as such Xenophobia is part of their heritage. Now it’s level of expression may vary from bit to bit but it shows up in all phases from their history, from the reception that Rhonin, Krasus, and Broxigar got on their arrivals from the future, to Ravencrest’s steady refusal to seek help from the other races in Kalimdor, contravened only after his death and the taking up of leadership by Jarod Shadowsong. To the Night Elves immediately attacking both the Horde AND Alliance on first contact, to the disdainful attitudes shown by the High Elves to the Alliance of Lordaeron.

Now there are exceptions, but to deny it as a basic aspect of Elven nature is putting on some very thick pink glasses.

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Who helped realign the Night Elves that had been enamored by Azshara back to Cenarius’ ways.

It’s my impression that after the War of the Ancients that Shadowsong went on a 13,000 year sabbatical as he’s not seen again until the Cataclysm.

Conveniently ending up joining the Guardians of Hyjal and helping bring Cenarius back as well.

Exactly. So if the Night Elf capital ends up in Nordrassil, you either quietly remove the Guardians of Hyjal from the game and replace them with the “Nordrassil town guard,” or quietly rename the defenders of the Night Elf capital “Guardians of Hyjal.”

Nobody on the Horde side will notice or care that they’ve been cut out of the Guardians of Hyjal, because they’ll still be in the Cenarian Circle. Again, if this happens, there doesn’t need to be drama.

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Or take the Blizzard option of doing none of the above, because writing it in Chronicle is enough. and there is no intention of building any new Player capitols at all, since doing one for the Alliance means having to do one for the Horde.

Or maybe Moonglade can turn into a Druid vs Druid battleground as Alliance and Horde Druids battle for posession. This could be an ongoing repeating event and the winning side gets posession of Moonglade for a lunar period.

Divided in terms of kicking out the Horde Druids like Tauren and etc because they are not Alliance Druids or Night Elf Allies in General after BFA.

Cenarius circle and Guardians of Hyjal =/= Alliance.

I doubt they would kick out Horde Druids over this war when they’ve been trying to help heal Azeroth and as far as I know Hamuul Runetotem is still held in high regard amount the Night Elfs.

This is not about Horde vs Alliance. It’s about elven land so non elven druids shouldnt even be thinking about starting a war over a zone that does not belong to them. I dont believe this will ever happen because thankfuly Tauren are like the few truly good members of the Horde and I’m glad to share Hyjal and Moonglade with them.
Still, and by no means I wish to be true, but if conflict ever happens over different members of the Circle then non elven druids should rise up and just find someplace else. Until then I will gladly die for my fellow Tauren and Troll druids.


Before the edit I was quoting him on how just because the Alliance and Horde were having a war, doesn’t mean the Circle or Guardians would kick the Horde races out who are not even involved and more than likely wouldn’t involve themselves when the world is dying. Same with the Earthen ring.

I’m surprised Blizzard hasn’t show some tense in those two yet.

Our prime duty is to the survival our Tribe and that of the Horde. If needs be just as the Night Elves would not hesitate to do, nature itself can be our weapon as well.

Actuallly they have. The rise of the Tauren Sunwalkers are tied to tauren discontent over the Night Elves obsession with the Moon over An’she.

Highmountain Tauren aren’t part of the Guardians of Hyjal. Hell, Mayla regretted joining the Horde at all, if it wasn’t for Saurfang showing her what the Horde was supposed to stand for.

I didn’t know necromancers could use nature magic.

Today Death Knights… tomorrow Blight Druids!

Isn’t that just a Kul’Tiran Druid?

No actual undead druid like those in the Forgotten Realms. like a Druid of Malar the god of rot and decay.