What happened to the group protection thing for re-queuing?

I thought there was supposed to be a thing where if you join an in-progress LFR raid after you finish it and re-queue it will only put you in a new one so you can get the bosses you missed since you filled in for someone who left.

But I’ve been trying to do the first wing in the awakened LFR raid all day today and I keep getting put into groups that have already killed the first boss when that’s the only one I need, and even after completing the instance still getting into groups that are already in progress.

I’ve been doing this as a tank,

Thar whole “guaranteed to be put in a fresh instance” thing always sounded a bit sus to me. So either it was always a lie or something got bugged in the latest patch.

Was there a guarantee on this? Cause I would be very impressed!

maybe I dreamed there was…

it’ll try… but there has never been any guarantee in regards to this.