What Happened To Spell Animations?

There was nothing to charm with the old animations.

The outstretched hand and curled arm, I’d start a list but my first line would be all of them.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, this is nostalgia hindering progress.

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You’re right. Not one bit of charm. But somehow managed to captivate 10 million people in a span of a few years.

Also the sounds of spells in vanilla are amazing and still around. The crunch of a kidney shot? O god it’s so good.



I see what you are referring to, but our new wings share pretty much nothing with Val’kyr wings, except that they both look feathery. They don’t have the same shape, ours are skinny, theirs are large and majestic, and they don’t face the same direction, theirs go up and then down, encompassing their whole backs, like angel wings, ours go outwards, out our sides, and sag downwards.

I… what? No, the artists at Blizzard went to school to be artists, worked jobs as professional artists, and got hired as artists.

And the animations look incredible. The paladin animations look better. The druid animations look better. The priest animations look better. They are more fluid, more expressive, and clearly have more frames.


It’s mixed for me. I personally enjo the higher fidelity for the models and animations however I agree some things definitely lost personality.

For Shaman I LOVE that they added some animation to Earth Shock so I can actually see something more than a blip of light. Would love for flame and frost shock to get the same treatment.

I think that lava burst forming from the surrounding elements while i’m casting looks awesome.

The healing wave/healing surge animation looks incredibly cool with how it flows.

On that note though I don’t like how resto sham had all their spells forced into water animations. I’m still annoyed that my chain heal is no longer the yellow/green beam that’s closer to the shadow hunter ability it was based on in wc3. To me the healing spells that had the greenish glow represented shaman’s connection to their ancestral spirits (not just elemental ones). Would really like to be able to glyph back to that.

Also It looks rediculous when i’m ressing people cause there’s just water dripping out of my hands the like 10second cast.

Personally i’ve never been pleased with any of the lightning bolt iterations animation wise. I would love the chance to glyph it to look like the sethrak lightning bolts. THOSE are gorgeous!

I LOVE that they added a portal animation to warlock summons. It bugged me how they used to just “fade in”. I also enjoy all the higher res demon pet models.

I dont like how they replaced the skull and dragon head from shadow bolt and chaos bolt respectively.

Can’t think of any mage abilites I dont enjoy the look of. Same with DK.

Any other classes I don’t really know the old animations well enough to say.

For the most part I like animations they merely updated, but dislike it if they changed the look entirely.

I think I would rather this not be true, and for Blizzard to have honestly not really tried, rather than have actually really put forth effort. Because not only will I feel bad for absolutely hating someone’s pride, art, and hard work, but then I’ll know that there’s really no improvement possible.

But if this was all just a half-fast attempt, then there is hope for the future of spell animations.

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They all seem fine to me.

Like, you’re allowed your opinion, but “half-fast attempt” is just… how? They look high-quality and clearly had a lot of work put into them. Are you an artist yourself? Have you done animation? I do animation and I’m telling you there was FAR more work put into these animations than the old ones. They improved the look and feel of the game from 2004 to modern.


Here’s the Val’kyr I’m referencing. Neither go up, and their model will look larger simply because of their frame and overall size. While we probably don’t share the same opinion, I see the motif they devs were going for

Red is better no purple is better. Sorry but when it comes to art style it’s subjective. I’ve seen newspaper with banana peels sell for thousands in auction and works of art not even get bids. Typically if you have the same animation but with more pixel density and colour variation that will come out on top. Also is this a fisher price advertisement thread?

I played paladin back in bc/wrath. times like this I’m glad these types of opinions aren’t really listened to.

current ret wings are infinitely better that what we had then

go play classic then if you want classic animations


You must be joking. Classic animations are nothing.


I don’t know, why has WoW, in the past 4 expansions and vanilla before WoD looked like a PC port of a PS1 game from the early 2000’s?

Well, that is really subjective what you said there: I do agree with the new ones looking overly cartoony and goofy (plus stretchy) but i don’t agree with the old ones looking beautiful. Actually quite like the overly cartoony and goofy style of Legion’s animations.

I wouldn’t mind for more variation, cause even if i do agree with you on them being beautiful to look it, it would get tiring for me to see after 500 times cause it’s just playing the same spell animation over and over. Even the new legion animations.

I also wouldn’t mind a toggle for the old/new spell animations as well.

This is purely up to the person. Everyone has different tastes, and certain classes I thought came out looking better and more unique.

Ele sham is fine.
Resto Sham is fine.
Holy Priest is amazing.
Balance Druid is fine, except I want old wrath back.

TBH most casting animations are good, it is the new spell effects which vary some, but for the most part look great. Based on your complaints I’d say you have a problem with the spells themselves, not the character animations.

Chaos Bolt looks fantastic now. It never made any sense for it to be a dragon head. However…H O W. E V E R. Incinerate looks like absolute garbage. It is embarrassingly ugly.

Umm no, they were extremely basic and on par with nintendo 64 level animations. They used very limited numbers of frames in them and had bad interpolation.

The modern animations are objectively better in almost every regard other than to nostalgia junkies and people with spectrum disorders that cannot handle changes.

While I do agree that a lot of spell animations Are a bit weak sauce to how they used to look (warlock!!!) to be fair pallys got wings which is one of the best looking abilities in the game.

I completely disagree. Their animation team is spot on and the art team is great. They have been consistently A+ since Vanilla and even before.

Sorry you don’t like it. But i do wonder if you don’t like it, what is keeping you in the game if you don’t like what your abilities look like?

I also completely disagree with this as well. I think Paladins play is great atm along with the class and even spec fantasy atm and has been much improved since Legion came out.

Aren’t opinions great? I mean, you can like something and be wrong at the same time.

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Just bring back Priest’s old mind flay animation, that was awesome!