What happened to heritage armor sets?

Why did development stop in regards to making heritage armor sets for the rest of the races that have yet to receive them? If the developers have time to make transmog sets for the in-game shop, I think they have time to finish the heritage armor sets.


Well you see, the heritage armour isn’t sold for $20 in the cash shop.


I like to think they are working on the Night Elf heritage armor, and can’t decide whether to go with a conservative or more revealing set. Let me help you Blizz - go with the original Night Elf armor set you used to sell the game with!


Do you really expect them to work harder? /rofl

I wonder what content gets cut when they can’t meet their second internal deadline.


Yup so its gonna take another 10 years to finish the sets.


Yeah but what if someones child really enjoys WoW and now is confused on what it means to be a night elf.


They said more are coming for the .5 patches in Shadowlands


It was confirmed to be made for every single race throughout Shadowlands. Please at least look it up before saying something like this.


Didn’t they say that they will be adding them this expansion?. I don’t know if all at once or each patch.

I like to think they haven’t abandoned heritage armor sets, but realistically speaking they’re probably done and over with. If your race hasn’t gotten them then I wouldn’t hold your breath.

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Here’s the link to the interview where it was said there would be heritage armor added for every single race throughout Shadowlands, I’ll even highlight it for you:

Heritage Armor

  • Heritage Armor will continue until all races have them.

  • They want to continue doing them in Shadowlands patches, usually in X.5 patches.


We tell them that being a night elf means dancing around half naked in the forest hugging trees.

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They are relevant to the story. They already said the next heritage armors will be in shadowlands. Until they finish all the races.

The rest will be added throughout Shadowlands, we know that for certain.

It’s really just they didn’t have time for it in BfA. Armors take time to make and implement. There’s story quests and scenarios tied to them too. That kind of content only gets added in major patches, not hotfixed in randomly. With nothing else coming after 8.3 and a huge to do list for Shadowlands taking priority it was put on hold. But they are coming back!

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I would think the next heritage armors will be night elves and darkspear trolls. Due to the story in shadowlands.

I recall them saying more will be done in the future. I think their art team just had to focus on Shadowlands gear more.

That one took more work to fit every races head properly

Nah, that doesn’t fit the narrative.


It means you have evidence but “nah nah nah I can’t hear you!”.

They didn’t. As they stated the rest will be release within shadowland patches.

Might want to do some research next time. Cause the info can be found on wowhead,etc.