What happened to empyrean blaze?

It got a random undocumented nerf?

It’s a lot worse now. :frowning:

Maybe? I can’t tell

It’s much better, because it’s attached to Chastise, and we can reduce Chastise cooldown by quite a bit - even more because Voice of Harmony (harmonius apparatus) reduces chastise on Holy Fire and Nova casts. Even just the two free casts (and the third full cast) brings it down to 48s.

You also don’t have to use an extra global on it, and again, because it’s tied to Chastise, if you’re ever in Apotheosis and don’t need healing you’re going to massively increase your DPS.


I swear I didn’t see it in patch notes I was trying to press it nothing was happening lol

The icon is still there if you had it on your action bar but it’s passive now so you don’t need to press it. Personally I just put divine word where empyrean blaze used to be.


It’s not a nerf, it’s a buff because Chastise resets a lot faster than Empyrean Blaze. It also puts more of a premium on Haste for Holy in M+.

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I agree new Blaze sucks and here’s why…

  1. Old 1 was an on use CD that was short, you got 3x instant cast Holy Fires. VERY NICE on demand burst. Now you have to use Chastise to only get 2x instant casts.
  2. Can’t save Chastise for key interrupts now if you want to do damage. For example, I’d save Chastise for the whirlwind zerker ads in EB or the Corrosive Volley dragons on Tyr platform. So Blizz doesn’t want Holy using Chastise for CC? Very stupid tying our CC to DPS.
  3. What Holy Priest isn’t just going to Emp Blaze cast into a Divine star and Holy Nova. Holy Nova does lots of damage and decent heals. I don’t think smite spamming to reset chastise will be fast enough to cover for the nova DPS loss.

This change really sucks. Why nerf Holy Priest damage when we don’t even get to do it in the first place while we have to heal? Having a CD to burst DPS was perfect for our spec and you screwed it up. Yes, a few smites can basically lower the CD of chastise to bring it in line with the old CD, but you only get 2x free casts… BIG NERF.

Holy Nova now reduces Chastise cooldown if you take Voice of Harmony.

Our DPS went up a LOT because of how fast we can reset it.

You can also just hold it for specific casts in pulls if you want, or hit Apoth to reset it.

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o nice didn’t even see that change.