What happened to Dekel? #1 warr gone from ladder and no stream

I’m assuming he got banned for cheating

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I know he has a lot of accusations and clips of him potentially using programs that did certain things automatically.

He def was cheating and was for a long time, it’s just surprising that blizzard finally decided to ban him (if that’s even what happened)

Think he either got banned for cheating or possibly RMT


He was tired of everyone giving him grief over the cheating so he ripped a big delete, may or may not come back on brand new/hidden chara

There was a bot/RMT banwave a day or two ago, so who knows. They basically include any and all security violations in their waves, so it could have been any related offense.

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there was never any proof of him cheating tho… he probably got bored of the game and is focusing on real life or something dumb like that…

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Uh he literally showed he had AHK installed and configured on his stream before but said he didn’t use it

Also ton of videos showing his char snapping ? ?

Can’t believe there are still people out there who defend this guy lol


think hes chilling idk tho



dont care about cheating pieces of cake

Facts bro.

He’s literally still on ladder you can look up his name on ironforge pro. Also at the end of wrath he even said cata wouldn’t be a permanent thing and he wasn’t sure if he would play all of it. He’s probably taking a break like most people till 2 week end of season.

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Who or what is a Dekel?
I am assuming some unwashed streamer?

Just looked. A bath or shower would do him some good.