- Warmode.
- Some of the bigger personalities on the server either grew up or stopped playing and the younger/newer didn’t replace them.
hAi gaiz wHeRe Cun I fInD weRLD pvp?!?!11
there were many issues on ED
Folks loved WPvP but the issue was that several of these guilds drove RPers away through crashing events, zerging areas with 200+ hordies that lagged/crashed the servers. Some taking PvP so seriously that they’d send alt spies into the opposing guilds to cause trouble. WPvP used to be fun but became more eyerollers and less fun. the RPers affected already left and the PvPers are upset because they can’t crash and zerg others -
Old Guard leaving and New Guard not taking up the mantle for the new thing
Pragmatically bringing back ED to Pre-WoD will never happen, but we can adapt to these changes.
WM makes RP events less worries about crashers and allow more controllable basis than fearing the zerg rush.
Sharding and CRZ allows some RPers to join together from other RP servers.
You kind of have to be an idiot to want to host or do anything on WoW.
At large, people are unsupportive and unhelpful.
More likely to point out all of your flaws, criticize than anything else. Or just show up and actively try to sabotage.
There’s a reason no one hosts anything anymore.
This was the beginning of the end. They wanted a different set of rules and got them. Now the server (game) sucks. Grats.
I mean, they were leaving/left before warmode so…
Think people just want to be constantly harassed for your entertainment? Nah. Server was dying because of people crashing before Warmode was even a thing.
Oh for sure. I’m with you there. Point still stands, though.
Its kind of a perfect storm of things.
Theres not really many doers left here. No leaders. No event planners.
People just sit around and complain about nothing happening instead of making something happen. Don’t think they realize how much people did for them in the past.
I don’t have the time to make it all happen by myself. I’ve tried running a guild but managing people is difficult and time consuming without much reward.
The point of the thread was to get people thinking, not just complain and blame any particular person.
I have not been playing my warlock recently because I ask around for wpvp, I ask to see if anyone is doing anything and they don’t even give me the time of day. There still seems to be some quiet secular groups out there who just play with a few select friends.
If I could blame anything it’s that the game is not as social as it used to be and many elements that required a community to accomplish goals is no longer relevant.
Yes, it was fun to gank people, it was fun to bully people and camp them to start drama. Why? Because it was awesome, because people got emotional. Instead we have this quiet nap time where we’re all supposed to be good little boys and I WANT IT TO BE RECESS ALREADY.
Gonna go mostly with option #2 there chief. Back in the day we server celebrities that were larger than life. The videos, the rivalries, the wars we waged, when it faded out there was nothing to replace it. The new generation of ED’ers can be defined in one word… “corny.”… or perhaps “boring”… idk, you get the point.
For those that want to be a part of a realm community, I would recommend just playing Classic. It doesn’t have all of those anti-community features that we all loath and can’t point as a contributor to ED’s decline.
If you’re committed to retail, join an RP-PvP guild that wants to build a community and interacts with other RP-PvP guilds (same and opposite faction). You can still chisel something somewhat fun.
this is the truth right here. We can’t bring back the old days of ED, but we can create events that can become this way.
WPvP, though fun as it is, is more just a numbers war and nobody wants to deal with “World Server is down” due to someone bring 200+ Pvpers and cram them into the mage tower
Warsong Battalion ruined everything…there I said it…Turns warmode back off
I know I’m not a big name on here and few people probably even remeber me or KTM, but we do indeed miss ED.
Emerald Dream died by a 1000 cuts. I remember doing the RP-PvP campaign back before BFA launched in Un’goro Crater and Feralas. I remember the faction assaults of 8.1 hopping. I remeber #rebelalliance. Heh… I remember Nearo’s rivalry with a Goblin Hunter from one of the Cartels. I think he punched him off a cliff so many times it was a KoS no matter what they were doing. Then I remember nothing… It’s like a massive blank space from 8.2 onwards. I can’t even name one major RP event or PVP campaign from then on.
It’s truly unfortunate as to what happened to this server. The RP community really dried up which in turn was a major factor in KTMs decision to transfer. MG has the RP (and a whole nother level of drama) but it just doesn’t have the WPvP. We had a 4 man group patrolling Bastion a few nights ago. Three of us had Bounties. It took the Horde 45 minutes to even come after us and even then it was only 3 players that tried. The OG RP servers are extremely Alliance dominate in regards to WPvP. Doesn’t mean that there aren’t Horde out there, but it’s a sever lack of Horde willing to fight.
It’s a real shame and I miss ED, but as a small of a guild as we were we just couldn’t recruit new faces w/o poaching or absorbing dead guilds, and we didn’t want to do that. Maybe one day ED will return to it’s glory days, but with the way things are going I don’t see it happening. A real shame.
the problem is as the last guy said and to sum it up: WPvP
You had a rampant problem with PvP guilds joining RP-PvP servers for the sake of crashing and finding easy wins. RPers don’t mind Wpvp but when it becomes 200+ zergs that lag/crash servers and just make having events unplayable, folks will go somewhere else (even to MG of all places)
RP events are trying to be hosted, but mostly due to things like crashers that cause problems, as Lluagor said:
So when PvPers told folks “go to a PvE server” they took that and did that. Now they’re upset because they drove what they liked away. To make things worse, when one side tried to actually fight back and win, the other side would take it very seriously (sending alt spies into opposing guilds).
it’s time to move on from the past, but we can create a new future and bring ED to a new era rather than an old one.
Not too long ago our crew was out every night “hunting” and there was no shortage of people to fight. Syndicate, Project Mayhem, Blademasters, Quickfuse, For the Herd and others would be out there nightly for some good fights.
Shadowlands is different. Not better or worse but the wpvp we engaged in daily is not there in this xpac.
The culture of wow is different now as warmode, phasing, sharding has killed server communities. Fighting randos from Ragnaros doesnt foster community or spur rivalries.
Props to all who are still making RP and WPvP happen on Emerald Dream.
Yeah it’s kinda depressing… You see warmode being praised in the wpvp forum but man it was such a destroyer. Blizzard praises ed and then proceeds to destroy its identity instead of trying to make other servers more like us. Hence the people on classic…
the thing about why warmode is liked is due to a factor of giving people an “op-out” of PvP without having to force a server transfer to PvE.
I don’t think I will be back to retail with any regularity. Blizzard has killed realm communities with their changes ver the years.
I will stick with Classic for the most part. Good luck for those trying to carve something fun on retail.
Not gonna lie it was the constant maw camping raids at the start of shadowlands that broke me and had me turn war mode off for the very first time.