What happend?

Why would I have expected that to be sarcasm? It’s completely in line with your views on LFD.

And what exactly are my views on LFD? I never discussed them in that previous thread. Just said I didn’t like not being able to hold people from other servers accountable for toxic behavior. You’re just making assumptions because I didn’t fall in line and start goose stepping along to help you get what you want. If I’m a sociopath, you’re an authoritarian.

what happened was the classic lead team couldn’t even collect free money without screwing it up.

The thread’s been archived, but Kaivax said this:


We have not been planning to open guild banks with the launch of Burning Crusade Classic.

They’re going to come into the game in a future patch, and we’re working to make that happen sooner than it would have if we’d followed the original patch progression (guild banks were originally in the same patch as Zul’Aman).


It wasn’t planned to launch with Burning Crusade.

It’s absolutely true that both class balance and a critical system like dungeon finder were similar in that they were nothing short of major paradigm shifts for the Wrath experience. However, I strongly disagree with you.

I think I probably don’t need to explain to you that getting class balance into a stable and acceptable state is a long process and certainly wasn’t a simple matter of the devs just flipping a switch and releasing it like it’s a feature. Class balance is an absurdly complicated thing to achieve and the only way for them to get it in an optimal state was to sift through hundreds of thousands of hours’ worth of playtime, and this happened every single time new content (and gear) was introduced into the game. None of those circumstances of class balance apply to dungeon finder.

  1. I don’t see any reason why it would be so terrible to mirror that experience.
  2. You’re describing an anecdotal experience. I respect your anecdotal experience, but I have one too. And it disagrees with yours. Every single person who’s played WoW had a different experience, and there’s no way to determine which one is the most “correct”. So the only way that makes sense is to quantify the value of the decision objectively. Looking at it objectively, I see no reason why dungeon finder should be implemented any sooner than the ICC phase, if at all.
  3. I should remind you that Classic was meant to be a roughly authentic recreation of earlier states of what we call Retail WoW. If it wasn’t meant to offer an experience that closely mirrored the original article, then it would make perfect sense to just do whatever agrees with the largest number of players’ anecdotal experiences. But in this case, retrofitting the game to anecdotal experiences would undermine the whole purpose of Classic in the first place.

Just going to sit back and watch this back fire, I’m going to show my support by not paying for the exclusive northern pass as well end my membership In till I see LFD added so small servers can enjoy dungeon content. This is just mind blowing.

Next time Blizzard don’t make “Classic” your title for a game if you’re just going to make multiple of changes and also manage the bots and mage/tank services ruining your game.


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