What happend?

I refuse to be a sheep. I picked my server and that’s my home. I should not be punished till the closing of that server, this comes back to blizzards tools and management now.

This is my home server I won’t give it up or start over either. Nor will I EVER play on a server full with kidish ideology or people who idolize individuals that stream gaming footage.

Even if it means I won’t get the chance to step into a dungeon it is what it is. I will quest it out and grind with a close friend and my father. Not going to leave people behind either and just rely on the gear from rep vendors as my main gear.

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Fixing problems by adding more problems isn’t a good method. Population is definitely a very big problem that needs to be looked at, but it’s a different discussion entirely.

We can certainly agree there. The way they’ve handled population distribution is just shameful.

Wow. You’re a beggar and a chooser at the same time!

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Once you grow up and learn what pride is you will understand one day.

Ironic then, that you’re throwing a tantrum on the forums as if that will improve your situation at all. All pride, no dignity.

So that’s how you deal with criticism. I know what type of person you’re our discussion is over. This is where the game directs us for our concerns. I’m just doing my part in making sure people understand low pop servers exist.

And yet in another thread you were claiming that system features are the same as content and should be gated the same way. Which following your logic means that if it’s acceptable to just remove a feature it should be acceptable to remove content as well.

So at worst they should be releasing LFD with ICC like they did in Wrath not simply nixxing the feature.

Can always tell when someone just doesn’t like something vs has a real issue with when they contradict themselves.

Especially since they refuse to take other measures to address realm pops like linked realms.

They don’t refuse since they asked about it in their latest survey about Wrath

Maybe they should communicate about this, true.

Where is the evidence that LFD was no good.

Multiple mmorpgs have implemented LFD and are still successful. People say ‘It’s what made retail a failure’.

Retail is not a failure at all and has more players than classic anything has.

Look at current TBC that has the old LFG system. It’s a failure. Impossible to find groups via the LFG system. General chat dead and empty with only boost spam and gdkp runs advertised. Players raid logging because they could not be bothered gearing alts.

LFD encourages alt leveling. Alt leveling prevents raid logging.

The only players against LFD are those that sell boost runs and gdkp guild runs.


I think system features and content should be gated in the same way when those system features aren’t shipped with the expansion as a baseline. Dungeon finder was a mid-expansion system overhaul and all of the content that launched with and after it were tuned accordingly.

I think you may be a little confused on my meaning. The changes implemented in an expansion’s pre-patch are, without a doubt, core features that should definitely be included at it’s respective Classic launch. New features and system overhauls that take place a significant portion of the way through an expansion’s lifespan, however, go very hand in hand with the content that accompanies them and should be gated by phases.

This is why I used guild banks as an example. It’s a system feature that was present in the very patch that TBC Classic was based on, but it was a major system change/addition that took place late in the expansion and was therefore gated to a non-launch phase. It wasn’t part of the TBC pre-patch, and therefore wasn’t a core part of the TBC experience until it was eventually implemented.

I said in the very post that you quoted from that I wouldn’t have any complaints if they launched dungeon finder at the same time as ICC. I’d prefer for dungeon finder to never be implemented in any era of Classic (including Cataclysm and beyond), but all I’ve ever expected of the Classic experience up until the end of Wrath is a roughly accurate recreation of the original experience. Implementing dungeon finder with ICC wouldn’t violate that one bit.

i see a lot of people making this claim and its just not true. i have mixed feelings about LFD but i personally know many people that are against it that neither sell boosts nor gdkp runs.

LFM VH Normal Need tank and healer.

Recieves whishper - Shady MageTank - Hi there I can run you in Violet Hold for 50gold a run solo or 80g a run duo.

Me…Logs off

I’m a bit confused; you seem to have barely played this game, you do a handful of arenas a season and as far as I can tell haven’t done much of the pve content either. Why are you telling those of us that do and have played the game continuously how we should or shouldn’t play? Or, to quote your other post, to “go back to retail”? We’ve spend the last 2-4 years organizing and running all content “socially”, but now we can’t have a dungeon finder to make leveling alts less painful or it ruins the game.

Bit rough calling the people that actually stuck with the server they rolled on (a server that was most likely active and populated when they rolled) the “morons”, while apparently everyone who dogpiled onto Faerlina and Benediction the moment their server looked in vague jeopardy gets a free pass? I thought you’d be against faction stacking, being as big a fan of wpvp as you used to be.

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Major class changes also take place over an expansion, for example wrath launch DK’s were quite different than ICC DK’s, and having those changes in from the start of an expansion also has a major impact on gameplay. So it’s kind of hypocritical to make the argument that class balance features are somehow required(especially from TBC on when the argument can’t be made that blizzard just doesn’t have that data) but game play features are not.

Keep in mind the logic used for picking the last patch is that that patch is best iteration of the expansion. Content is time gated simply to prevent people from blowing through all the content too quickly. That argument doesn’t apply to system features or balance features.

What REALLY sucks the “world” out from World of Warcraft is either A- being stuck in town shouting "LF tank Utgarde Keep/Nexus etc. or “need healer for VH/HOS” and so on, or B- solo questing through 70-80 and being gate-kept out from being able to even GET gear to experience something as trivial as Naxx 25.

I was there. When it was retail. Not to be “that guy” that has to say that, but this isn’t 2008 anymore. We’ve grown up. We have lives. We do NOT have time nor patience to spam trade for a group while botters kill this game off even faster than they did TBCC. Think that won’t happen? DK level requirement removed. Level 70 boost. What could POSSIBLY go wrong there, right?

Cause it did so many favors for my server in TBCC, which is dead as Dillinger at this point. OOPS! Guess I gotta pay another 25 cause I rolled on the wrong server for classic. You’re not capable of seeing the problem here. Which isn’t LFD. You can act like you care about “the social aspect of old school wow” but those days are over.

Yeah sure though; don’t get me wrong- I’d love to return to the 90s in high school or early 2000s for college to re-live some of those memories as they were. Notice how that can’t happen? Time does not flow backwards.


Boosting will continue to happen with or without RDF. It’s a red herring.

Tank services will continue to happen with or without RDF. It’s a red herring.

Server population issues are also a red herring. If Blizz had the will to fix this, it would have been fixed 2 years ago. Bite the bullet and transfer now because it won’t get better.

The Dk bots will be horrible I bet. I had to report a lot of bots even on my dead server.

So why would you want to keep a system in that encourages boost selling and gdkp runs?

I disagree, with LFD it won’t be a problem nor be a reason to have those individuals exploiting others. Maybe raiding for tanks or Heroic dungeons but that’s a issue on it’s own right? Normal standard dungeons 15-80 however can still remain enjoyable and accessible by everyone and not just high pop servers or services.

The last (most stable) state of class balance is used because it is both authentic to the original experience (it actually existed in that era) and also the most balanced. The earliest implementation of ANY class in a given era of content is invariably the most rife with balance issues and even bugs. I shouldn’t need to explain to you that launch Paladins and DKs are obviously not the version of Wrath that literally anyone wants (except maybe Paladins and DKs).

Using the class balance of the last patch of an expansion as the basis of its Classic version isn’t the most “authentic” recreation possible, but it’s obviously preferable to knowingly launching a Classic expansion in a broken state and making people wait until the end of that content era to enjoy relative class balance.

Do you really not see this? Or are you just grasping at any opportunity to disagree with my argument? xD

It’s not hypocritical at all. Whether it’s class balance or an expansion’s baseline system features, the Classic version of the game uses the patch when things are “working as intended”. Ergo, never use the pre-patch state of class balance because it’s largely untested and unproven, and always use the most stable version of an expansion’s system features.

I’m still not seeing what your issue is with my argument.