What grinds your gears?

https://i.imgur.com/Qh6MaUw.jpg This grinds my gears

I don’t care about that, if I like the name I just throw in a special character. People share the same name IRL all the time :man_shrugging:

I could write an essay on the topics that do about me though :rofl: right now I think I’m gonna go with people who prematurely rage quit in M+. Yesterday in a COS run in the area before the second boss the tank forgot that a particular item spawned a miniboss (he thought it gave a buff instead), which resulted in two minibosses being spawned at once, and we wiped. We still had plenty of time to finish the dungeon, but instead the healer immediately DCed and bricked the key.

That sometimes I have to actually deal with RNG when doing pet battle world quests. I just want easy pet tokens okay? Is that too much to ask? I don’t want to spend 30 minutes doing the same RNG reliant fight on 8 different characters.

Lack of communication about planned improvements to RSS and timely updates.

I know this doesn’t help. But i like connected realms.

Are all connected, so if i can’t find my name available, i look at other connected realms.

Plus i like the realm as a last name of sorts.
Dk icecrown
Shaman on LB
Drakthyr is on Onyxia.

Plus i hate special characters, but do like odd spelling.

Wanted Gilgamesh, but taken so used Gilgamash
Wanted Ishtar, taken, so used Eishtar
Wanted Lucifer, taken, used Lousipher.
Wanted Count Dracula taken, but used Count Drakool (revendreth title)

At the present time, all the folks trying to cancel legacy flying for no good reasons.



Not oiling them

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Blizzard weaving liberal political agenda’s into wow grinds my gears.


When a class I strictly use for purposes of PvE has a fundamental ability changed due to PvP.


And people who tailgate, then swerve around you just to get in front of you?

Like, WTF?!?

Congrats - after all that you’re now 15 feet ahead of me :laughing:


Yeah. Definitely the valor cap. Especially since I didn’t know about it until I used 2k on an item I don’t use anymore.

Also the delayed creation catalyst.

  1. When the current node I am gathering or mining disappears mid gather.


  1. When another player grabs the expedition pack before me and it’s location disappears on the mini map.

The fact that the Lord/Lady of War title is still not account wide.

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Saw this, and wondered … Is there a Count Chocula out there? Yes. Yes, there is.


They never got over being butthurt about losing that fight back in WoD.

the heck is that?
mutant cheeto?

It is a coupler.

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What’s grinding my gears today:

Same thing as yesterday.

"What grinds your gears?"

I dont know what grinds me gears… but you know what burns me ar$e?

…A flame THIS high.

holds hand level with dwarf buttocks :fire:


I still have plans to get my “count” title and Revendreth outfit.

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