Tell me of your- Appreciate a game guide story folks, here is mine
I was a returning player since WoD put me off WoW for 7 years along with life. When I returned, Trying to get a garrison was doing my head in and I was delighted that we then had the new to me Guide system. It was that wonderful guide who helped me figure out where my breadcrumb quest failed that stopped my main getting her garrison. Fast forward then to 2023-24, my same guide left the game and has now since returned. And thanks to his help, I had already myself been an active guide since my return to tail end of Shadowlands. Voila, my turn to be the guide to my former guide who is now also a guildie. So whatever happens in gaming and life, i will always be grateful to my guide. Thank you so very much If it wasn’t for you I would have rage quit (was just about to) when I thought there was no other way I could get my garrison. Instead, I now am delighted to be a guide to other new and returning players. It is lovely to be able to continue this cycle /salute. And all hail Igors too (sorry Pratchett fan here)