What games would you recommend during the SL delay

I would recommend Guilty gear Xrd rev2. Its a 2d fighting game with great music and neat anime art style with 3D models and not that terrible CGI used in many anime game in the past since it was slowly crafted to look that way (hard to describe it, youtube a video on it and you will see what I’m talking about). It has some really neat design characters and some that play unique, one character is Jack-O that put down houses to summon ghosts to aid her in attacking and putting pressure, she is joked about being a RTS or MOBA character instead of a regular fighter. GGxrd does have a high skill ceiling with many mechanics, but I found this more enjoyable and the most fighting games I played was the occasional MK with my brother and the old DBZ budokai games. I started picking up other fighting games like SFV which is supposed to be easier but I didn’t enjoy it as much to get super invested.

what games would you recommend since we are having a delay, any game you think that is a bit obscure? a genre that doesn’t seem to be given much of a chance like fighting games or RTS?

PS: lets not do FFXIV, I like the game but we get too many FFXIV on the forum. Lets try to be more original

I’m playing Code Vein

I’m happy with Star Wars Squadrons

For a complete change of pace, most of my gaming time of late has been going into Oxygen Not Included.

I was also playing some Crying Suns until I got destroyed by some random pirate during an otherwise perfect run and rage quit. (Shakes fist at the rogue-like gods!)

I’ll be playing Baldur’s Gate 3 :+1:.

Spelunky 2 came out last month, it’s a difficult and addictive survival game. I’ve been enjoying it.

The new mafia remake has been a nice blast from the past.

Agreed. I too would love to see more talk about games that aren’t the same handful of MMOs. Games I’m currently playing - not just for downtime but even before and during SL:

Cities: Skyline
Genshin Impact
Phantasy Star Online 2

i’ve played this a bit, wanna play more but tendonitis is saying no

No Mans Sky

The new Amnesia game comes out on October 20th.

Right now I’m playing the hardware upgrade game. Happy to be done with “stop to check at Microcenter” game.

Not sure how I like it since its not out yet but got Watch Dogs Legion.

Testing some of what I already have again.

Man, I loved PSO. Me and my bro had level 200 characters on dreamcast, xbox, and gamecube. No idea why but I still like the original PSO much better than PSO2.

I miss that game - so much nostalgia. I’ve thought about playing that again just for the heck of it. It was my first MMO. :slight_smile:

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Torchlight 3 is leaving early access on Tuesday. $39.99 if you enjoy Diablo-style dungeon crawlers.