What "Fresh" Servers Look Like In Reality

Saw that. I was thinking of joining them but it’s a pvp server and I don’t like pvp servers. I’m not against fresh servers. I was just responding to some one who claimed those who want them for BC aren’t trying to force everyone to start fresh. Many of those posting here for fresh are.

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Same, but then I realized that I have 3 level 60s, and am not in a hurry to reroll to start over.

Fair! I prefer PVP servers, but my first ever max level character (during TBC) was on a PVE server (and that was the only time I’ve played on one).

I suspect they are from the private server community, and I further suspect that they represent a very small minority of the WoW Classic playerbase.


I’m not for dividing the community with fresh starts. I don’t want character wiping or resets. People have worked hard to get where they are.

I want to have fun. Open world fun. Whichever way the servers go, I want less bots and world buff meta to pass on. I spend more time buff logged than actually playing. And yes, you’ll type: “It’s a choice. You don’t have to get them if it’s not fun.”

It’s meta for a reason. Kinda like football in the US of A and football in EU.

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Exactly! Imagine collecting all this cool gear to have it wiped. I have collected t1 and t2 full sets on my characters thus far and plan to keep them in my bank through BC as a time relic. Think about those who have gotten Strat UD and ZG rare mounts as well. I would be livid if I lost those after grinding weeks on end to get them

I plan to. There is a reason even polls have called it “CLASSIC BC” because it is still CLASSIC. Get over it, wipes aren’t happening. There will probably be some fresh servers for new players and those who wish to throw away all progress they made.

That’s what I was hoping for that they would make more than one option to transition into TBC.

I don’t understand the sentimental value for your pixel characters you play classic you had fun. Classic ends TBC starts who cares how you start

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People want fresh because they like the MMORPG feeling that it gives. You need to farm your gold, you can’t rely on boosters, or a main, world pvp is alive, no bots, people do dungeons again, you aren’t behind, you make new friends, you can try out new classes, the world is full and alive, etc etc.

It’s just a different part of the community. Believe it or not, some people play this game because it is a MMORPG, not many of them still exist nowadays.

If blizzard was smart they would create a couple “season” servers starting fresh, with some tweaks and changes, a faster release schedule, and operating under the premise that they will be reset again.

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Once again there’s nothing sentimental about it for most people. It’s time invested and ever increasing boredom when doing the exact same thing over and over again. Perhaps repeating the same game never gets old for you but most people can only repeat the same game a few times before they get bored with it.

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I think a lot of people care if they have to regrind 1-60 before they can play TBC just because a few people are whining about those who are willing to prepare.

How would it be the same game again if you’re getting a pre-made level 58 you’re literally going right into classic TBC.

No my vote was for a pre-made level 58 on servers.

And that would be a fine option for a handful of servers for those who want it.

First because I will have at least 3 60’s when BC comes out and all of them will have 300 on several profs. While I would prefer to just progress with all my alts I would accept a level 58 reset if I got one for each of my 60’s and I somehow maintained my 300 level profs. But I don’t care much about gear. Other people have spent time to get gear and don’t want to see it lost or nerfed. So do all the 58’s get Bis gear? It starts to get very complicated if we give people 58’s but don’t expect them to have to redo content they’ve already done on not just one but several alts

What exactly is it YOU want? To keep a server rotting in naxx forever just so you can keep jerking your e-peen and bragging about how you spend more time on the game than other people?


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Fresh Servers are on the table for one reason and one reason alone.

A year and change of botting has blown out the economy of every server on the planet beyond any hope of ever salvaging. And it’s only going to get expontentially worse as time goes on.

Allowing any of Classic’s gold to be taken into TBC will cause the exact same economy problems that Classic now has: Gold will lose it’s value to the point where greens and blues are 3-5 digits on the AH, just like Retail is right now. The goldsinks that exist in the game simply are not enough to counteract botfarming at the Industrial level we now see it occurring. And while TBC adds two more major ones (flight and swift flight), it also adds an incalculable number of ways to exponentially increase the amount of raw gold that is generated by bots while also introducing 6 new drops that are perfect for skimming gold off the regular populace just to sell it back to them for real $: Aldor and Scryer turnin drops.

You really think there won’t be Prot Paladin bots farming the top of BT and raking in thousands of raw gold every 24 hours ON TOP of what they skim off the legitimate gold supply from the populace from selling the Signets/Tomes? The gear threshold required to be able to pull and clear ‘that pull’ is reachable in greens. And if you think Aldor rep turnins are going to be immune to it, stop and think for about 3 seconds about how easily Frost Mages can kite melee mobs in massive packs… and realize that 90% of demons out in the world (which can drop both marks + armaments) in TBC are melee-only.

And those examples only serve to make the current situation EVEN WORSE THAN IT ALREADY IS. The only people who think we should just blindly and stupidly ‘push ahead, damage is done just play the game’ are the people that have bought gold (this is a far, far larger section of the playerbase than most people are willing to admit… but they’re aware of it) or have a finger in the botfarming pot. Everyone else with so much as two braincells that accidentally communicate periodically knows a full economy reset is not just a good idea, it is 100% required.

This is not to be disputed by anyone approaching this subject with even the barest mote of intellectual honesty. The ONLY right answer for TBC is full separation from Classic. The economy AND the characters. All of it.

After that, Blizzard has to get off their laurels and finally go full Rip And Tear on the botmakers, the farmers AND the buyers. Full permanent bans for all of them. One offense, gone. Anything less and they’ll just see it as a temporary reduction in production.

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The economy will be blown out within a month anyway, because everyone knows what to farm and where to farm and gold is alot easier to obtain in TBC than classic.

Making people start over again when TBC is the natural progression of our chars is stupid maybe you should take your own advice and use some,

When your best argument boils down to “let us ruin TBC like you did Classic, disagreeing with me is stupid”… you wasted all that time to say literally nothing.

Prefacing an obvious opinion with “if you’re reasonable you’ll agree” is usually a sure sign of incoming BS.

Also: how about: World pvp and leveling on a fresh server is awful content but raiding with friends will never get old?

Fresh servers are a not a permanent problem to the issues you think classic has. And it screws over people who know how to properly prepare for TBC just because you are too lazy to do so.

Unreasonable person spotted