What feature are you most looking forward to in 8.1.5?

Me, 50 characters per server! It makes me wish I could have more than 50 characters on the account total though, so I can have 48 Alliance on Uther and 48 Horde on Runetotem, my merged servers. I would really like having at least 4 of every race with one of each armor type. But I guess I could settle for 24 each, 2 of every class minus Demon Hunters since they’re still unique to 1 per server for now. I’ll probably try some of the proposed tricks to having a second, but we’ll see.

New raiding with leashes achievement.

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My updated Goblin model.

Well I regret to inform you you’ll be waiting even longer

Oh really? I’m sure WoWHead said it was coming with this patch…

8.2.5 incomplete sentence.

Well. Nothing really interests me this coming patch then.

Thanks for the heads up peeps.


10 HoA ilvl
It’ll be an item level upgrade after god knows how long.

Allied races, specifically Zandalari Paladins. Been begging for troll Paladins since Cata.

New Raiding With Leaches achieve. That pet Sha looks adorable and evil.

New Trial of Style sets, specifically the plate set. Been begging for those gloves since Cata too.

BM Hunter buffs.

The four (three?) new mounts I’ll be getting. Alliance wolf, Horde horse, Zandalari Direhorn and KT horse.

NEW HUNTER CLASS MOUNT!! Can’t wait for Hati’s return!

Heirlooms that go to 120! I got all my Alliance toons to 120 because they’ve had the awesome WM buff but I’ve come to the conclusion the Horde is never getting it.

Brawler’s Guild, woo woo!

Man, 8.1.5 is a great patch. We haven’t had one of those in a while.

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RWL 8.1.5 is probably number one on my list, as well.

BM hunter buffs / BM hunter mountable pet.

TBH BM should be able to mount all pets, would fit the class better :slight_smile:

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Wooo thanks for reminding me.

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Anytime Mr.Moo.

I can’t wait to get the most out of my 310% flying speed when in Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor! By the Pantheon, that was just sitting there wasting away!

There’s literally a blue thread about this, unsure why we needed a second one?

I guess more war campaign, although thus far I’ve been pretty disappointed.

WoD Timewalking will be fun, so long as I don’t get stuck in a pug with Shadowmoon Burial Ground. If the trash doesn’t wipe people, Ner’zhul’s wall-o-death will, lol

Nothing really. I’m just waiting for 8.2.

Really? I didn’t see it, I scrolled down until I got dizzy… nothing.

[Whats the first thing you're gonna do once 8.1.5 launches?](Other post)

I mean, basically the same thing, although I’ll grant not exactly.

That’s more of what you plan on doing, this is more about what excites you the most about it.

Heirlooms that go to 120.