I am generally curious which faction you most of you Main and why. I know people play both I get that But Im More asking DAY 1 of xpax Which Faction are you going to play first and why?
For me the jury is still out. Most likely going to be my Alliance DH on Stormrage though.
Stormrage is good People
Which ever one pays gold in a consistent manner and allows my racial to at least have the discount at Inns and fruit vendors since it looks like they took away the discount from profession mat vendors now lol.
Horde but I have a couple of toons on Stormrage, wanted to see how it was so they’ll be leveled, too as I play both factions but Horde has always felt like home and family to me.
Been playing Alliance a LOT lately. I have noticed they seem to use LFG more for events like “Researchers Underfire” and seem more chatty in TW Heroics.
For a very long time i was ( and still is ) a horde for life , but now i play both factions because my brother is Alliance . If wasn’t for him i wouldn’t touch an Alliance character all . I would spit it out like bad food .
Until there is another warchief like Garrosh I’m not interested Horde. It’s just Red Alliance now, and since Alli has fewer ugly playable races and blue is better than red, there is no reason to play Horde.
Horde like was an outcast for a lot of my life until I guess found my “Horde” finding a family in others like me so what I connect to and find comfortable rather then the Alliance.