What Faction do you Main?

Ideally, alliance. I think I like the horde races more, but alliance has faster BG queues which means a lot to me. Plus, they’re the “good” faction. I don’t know why that matters to me but it does.


Tried so many times to get into my horde characters, never could

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Horde because they have Tauren.

Once upon a time, I was staunchly Horde, to the point I would happily go to bat for them against any Alliance. PvP was even more interesting back when I thought Alliance were scum.

I’ve since grown out of that (not entirely by choice, given Blizzard’s focus on absolutely decimating and destroying any semblance of the Horde I originally joined) and now I think factions are pointless and restrictive.

Much as I dislike the Horde, however, my friends and raid are all here, and I’ve been playing this guy for 15 years now. I don’t think I can move on.


I main Horde because I wanted a main that somewhat resembles me but humans run/jump really weird in my opinion. Also thought Horde might be more exciting cause I used to be alliance back in around Cata pre-Cata times.

However, I’m leveling a Night Elf (lvl 45) mage and a Void Elf (fresh) mage right now (only made the night elf so I could unlock void elves so my main on Horde has an Alliance alter ego but then she grew on me so now I’m leveling both).

I feel like Alliance has been more welcoming to me overall, people invite me to groups while leveling and randomly whisper me and I feel way less lonely than on Horde - might just be my server cluster or (more importantly) luck though, however, it might lead to me, at some point, playing on Alliance more again, I don’t know.

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Alliance like to Group up for things in general a lot more than Horde do. Not sure why… I have noticed this too

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Can never get into playing Alliance. Not only do I main Horde, most of my alts are Horde. I only have one ally character for collections purposes.

I think world pvp will be way less annoying when people actually group up for it and don’t give up after dying twice. I’m not there yet but I have high hopes for it given I’ve always found alliance have way better coordination in world pvp and people talk in general chat so much more - and like not trade chat shenanigans but they’re having actual conversations :joy:

It’ll never really come back.

As for the question, horde, but only because I feel more or less “stuck” here. Been in the same guild and enjoyed it for about 14 years now, and it just feels wrong not to be in it. I used to like the concept of the horde in-game but it’s been trash ever since Cataclysm came out.

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I main Horde because after 11 years of maining Alliance I decided to give Horde a try at the start of BFA and realized on average you get better groups for everything Horde-side.

Horde mainly, because back when I started, I played Horde in Warcraft 3. My first character was a Tauren Shaman because my favorite WC3 hero was the Tauren Chieftan.

Nowadays, I have alts on both sides, but mainly still play Horde because that’s the only side I have any guild connections on.

I main Horde because they have Tauren and HM Tauren. Antlers are really cute. Herb gathering is amazing and I’m always a herb guy in most MMOs.

I always prefer Kalimdor than EK–less buildings. I really like their culture and race, they don’t need some fancy inventions, or build up some grand houses and cities. It’s overrated.


Alliance. I don’t play horde. Who wants to play a faction where half the races are based after the animals from the county fair.


Horde pretty much is the “Farm Faction” now days

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Started Horde all those years ago and still playing Horde.

Semper Fi! :us:

Horde has trolls. I get enough elves, dwarves, and human in every other game.

I main Cenarion Circle, if anything.
For the toons that are less nature/druid centric, then none really except where necessary (Illidari or Ebon Blade if playing a DH or DK).
But, whatever the case… Cenarion Circle all the way.


im alliance.

i just like being a human.


I’ve mained both on both Classic and Retail

But I like Horde more. So that’s what i’m maining in TBC and from now on, lol
But i’m not opposed to making an Alliance alt

That’s not mud.

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Horde. Any other inane questions?