What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

that’s a weird whataboutism.

There are more male characters in this franchise all together, so basic math, more males are going to die. Your logic that female characters haven’t had it as bad as male characters falls apart easily, Considering there are far less female characters in this franchise, what about the deaths of Teretha, Tiffin, Delayrn. I remember Shalasyr’s death was pretty moving all were very tragic or fetishizing.

For the longest time there were only two female racial leaders, there has only been (in this history of World of Warcraft) two male racial leader deaths, Varian and Vo’jin. it’s pretty balanced if you ask me. Now that there are more promenant female leaders, there are more opportunities for them to die, either by noble sacrifice or not.

The reason Sylvanas herself has plot armor is because she’s been vicitmized by both the narrative and the writers and it’s bad optics and also bad faith to kill her off.