What exactly is boosting?

If this type of thread isn’t aloud, I’m sorry and mods can delete it. I didn’t want to post in the other many threads because the conversations are about other boosting stuff.

But I’m a very casual player and I have little to no idea what boosting is exactly. I hear about people spending real money to buy from these boosters but why would you do that vs buying a game token or selling game tokens?

What exactly is boosting (I have a general idea but curious about other people’s definition)?

How exactly does boosting affect other people and/or guilds?

Why are so many people against boosting (I’m guessing this is directly related to question above)?

Is boosting directly tied to the game tokens?

For me, which is guess lots of others in same boat…I spend almost all of my time with solo content and I’m out in the world doing stuff, so I feel like I’m missing something.

Some person or group of persons that are either better geared or more skilled than you/your character grouping with you or (generally in violation of EULA) playing your account (sometimes referred to as a pilot) to get you some reward.

Depends on how you look at it. Some people place value in the in game things so they believe a boost diminishes the value of said thing. Other people don’t place value in those things so to them there’s no harm in boosting. You have to decide for yourself where you fall.

No, boosting existed prior to tokens, boosting was probably taking place on the first day of wow starting. I wasn’t there so I can’t say for sure but I was around in 2007 and people were certainly boosting characters through dungeon runs at that time.

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It’s when you’re too small to reach the table so they have to get you a booster seat. It is the greatest of shames.


It’s where you sit back and relax and let people you paid do content for you.

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From what I saw, at that point the type of boosting that was most visible was friends or guildies running each others’ lowbies/alts through dungeons without being compensated, except maybe in favors. I did plenty of that myself.

I’m sure paid boosting happened but I didn’t see paid boosts advertised in trade or anything like that. Paid boosts kinda fell into the same category as buying gold did, in that you kept quiet about it because the providers were some of the same shady bunch selling gold. It also carried a stigma, people would give you a hard time if you “bought your character” (whether that was through buying boosts or literally buying accounts/characters off of eBay).

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Yeah I don’t think I saw paid carries in trade until Wrath and they were usually met with the same arguments you see today “why pay to have someone play for you” and “why boost when leveling is easy” oh and “if you buy a boost you won’t know how to play your character” :laughing:

Plenty of guilds sold sunmotes and amani war bears in TBC too.


Boosting is paying for invites to specialized groups refined for trivializing certain content. It is problematic for the game because the game is designed to feed boosters at the expensive of the general player experience.

boosting is when people pay for services in the game to basically get carried. usually it comes in 3 forms.

  1. carried in M+
  2. carried in Arena’s
  3. Carried in Raid typically Heroic but im sure mythic as well when it’s on farm.

gear i think is funneled to the person. as for how it’s paid typically with gold. people selling the boosts im going to assume sell regularly so they can buy tokens. convert token into bnet balance and use said bnet balance to buy w.e. they want via the shop be it game time, mounts, pets, w.e. illegal boosting also exists in the sense they pay with real money via 3rd party sites. these sites have existed for many years WoW also isn’t the only game to have it either. these sites im sure sell gold as well that is cheaper then the tokens but issue is you take the gamble to get ripped off or purchase it. im sure many players have paid for gold at least in classic i know some who have only because they told us via discord.

you can also sell gold to these companies too i think for real money but it’s very small amount of money. at least in another mmorpg where many people long ago relied on these companies for their gold that was the situation. gold in that game was very hard to grind. think classic style and you needed a lot of it just to level up faster and that was basically the game. leveling because the level cap was so damn high and still is.

Boosting is when you are served a steak, but have to sit at the kid’s table.

wiggles toes

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Boosting is a serious loss of integrity.

It affects the entire playerbase:

  • It subtracts from the viable pool of players to run content with (In an MMO, the viable pool of players is critically essential. Players are the lifeblood of any MMO.)
  • It severely inflates achievements (making such things as AoTC about as valuable and glamourous as a cash shop mount with no drop rate.)
  • Development stops living up to standards and starts living for schemes. (Rating tied to PvP gear - anyone up for a fresh game of chess where I replace all my pawns with queens and you are disallowed from doing the same in the event of a “fair” match? No, you don’t want me to have that advantage? “Buy a boost…”.)

Truth is simple, direct, does not bend to corruption, and has only 1 answer: Ask any player what the drop rate for A’lar is with no pretense and the answer is given immediately, directly, unbent, with 1 simple answer. Ask a booster if boosting is bad and you will get long, winding, and bent up answers (may as well ask a child who has just stolen candy if he just stole candy and listen to the droning nonsense that will take you everywhere but the direct answer.)

  1. Boosting is the act of paying someone to carry you in content you can’t do otherwise for a variety of reasons.
  2. People hate it cause it destroyed trade chat and the LFG and in certain people’s eyes, devalued their own accomplishments. It also causes hyper gold inflation.
  3. Wow is basically P2W due to the existance of the wow token combined with boosting.
  4. People use RMT boosts because it’s cheaper than using the wow token gold to money exchange rate.
  5. RMT will never go away because Blizz will never be able to out-compete them due to the race to zero it would create. Imagine buying a wow token and getting 500k instead of the 200k it’s worth now.

Thanks everyone for the replies

Oh wow. Never thought of paying someone else to play your account. That’s crazy and should be stopped. Why would people want this? Especially when the gear they get is useless after a patch and even more so next expansion.

Ya, I got this feeling from other posts. Me personally I don’t care what everyone around me has. I care about my own achievements. I will occasionally see a cool mount or pet and have to look it up to see if it is something I can farm. But I put no thought about that person beyond that.

That is crazy to me that this is a thing. I’d love to talk to someone who pays for this type of thing. How is that fun?

This doesn’t sound so bad to me but I’m picturing someone paying in game gold for 1 run and they get all the loot. But there is a good chance they will get no loot at all. I’m guessing in reality people will pay for many runs until they are geared? I think I still feel ok with this since like 90% of the players are already better geared than me. It doesn’t bother me if someone spent in game gold for carries.

I do not agree with these. I would prefer Blizzard to get the token money to keep WoW gong for many more years then people go to shady sites.

Out of curiosity, how does it subtract from the viable pool of players?

I’m not so worried about this. I never pay attention to people’s achievements. I only care about what I can get and I like going back to old content to do the things I never did when it was current.

I don’t know. I agree that PvP gearing this expansion sucks but I don’t think Blizzard did it this way for token sales (but I’m always an optimist). I think they tried a new system and it failed. Hopefully next expansion is better.

This does suck. I think I turned trade chat off many expansions ago and I don’t really pay attention to general chat. But I hated gold sellers back in the day spamming chat. If this is similar then ban them all :grin:.shiver I couldn’t stand the gold sellers spam. I even remember dead bodies in Org spelling out websites.

I never bought into the pay to win notion. I just don’t understand what it means to “win” in WoW.

This makes me sad. I thought with the addition of the token these services sort of went away. Wish there was an easy way to find and ban these accounts. Both the ones buying it and the ones providing a service. I’m ok with the in game transactions for carries but not when you give up your account or go to third parties.

It got to this way because people complained about the lack of RPG character progression in PvP in Legion and BFA, and now they are complaining that blizzard overcorrected and they want there to be less RPG and more competitive game in the PvP system.

Some things you can’t be traditionally (someone grouping with you and doing all the work) carried through so they have to get on your account and do it for you.

Not all things are about gear in the power sense, example: Mage Tower.

It is already against the rules to share your account

There is an exception to the rule which is why I said “generally in violation”

You may not share your account or password with anyone, except if you are a parent or guardian, in which case you may permit one minor child to use your account.

So if you have a young child that’s a Wow savant they could play your account for you legitimately.

I’m curious what they come up with and I’m not even going to try and suggest something. But I’d like best of both worlds somehow. I enjoy the PvP grind to gear out. For me I don’t do any group PvE stuff so I like to gear out in PvP gear for my solo adventures. So I like the PvP grind to get hear but at same time I really dislike being at a huge disadvantage in random battlegrounds. So much so this expansion I upgrade all my honor gear through epic battlegrounds. I felt like I’d be less of a burden on my team if there were 30+ other people to help.

Ah, ya, I can totally see this. MT is way too hard for me so I didn’t even try it but I really wanted the guardian druid skin. I’d never go to some service but I get why other people did.

Everyone wants what they consider the best of both worlds, but that’s a really tight balancing act to make it happen. I don’t think the majority of the forums appreciates how difficult walking that line is.

I am against Boosting because people who get their characters leveled that way aren’t learning how to play their class. It’s like a bunch of people who bribed a college to give them their degree, then take up positions in the real world and can’t do a damn thing because they never learned anything.

But just like those college students eventually they’ll learn :man_shrugging:
It’s not like the only time you can learn to play your class is while leveling and if you don’t learn it you are forever doomed.