What ever happened to the emerald drama website?

What happened to it? Does anyone have it backed up some where? Cause I’d really like to see some of my old post there.


emeralddrama.c om?

I believe the mod retired so no one new could join, then eventually their contract possibly lapsed…

or was it EDIRL or Litterbox? you speak on

I would really enjoy seeing that ravenhul sketch from years ago with all the scars and tattoos


You know, I’ve always wanted to visit that website. It stopped existing sometime before I joined Emerald Dream.

someone should find all the old tumblrs many Eders had. They were very good at keeping the “news” and drama lol

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Does anyone have the emerald drama site backed up?

Prob not, anyone who would have is MIA

I wish this was still a thing.

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Me too. It was pretty great place, more so for the drama too