What even is the point: Storming

My take, it’s Blizzard’s attempt to force melee out of melee.

Where I think Storming needs a hard look is Wise Mari fight.


“Where I think Storming needs a hard look is Wise Mari fight.” This just one example of why it doesn’t add anything to a dungeon. It ONLY detracts from the players experience. It does not add any sort of positive element or perspective element.


I wonder how difficult it would be to code in either:

Less storming spawns

Storming won’t spawn in limited pixel space beyond 2/3 available ground space markers

I am also curious with the quote “Blizz forcing mdps out of melee”. What gains would be had here and why is there value in this?

I don’t think you are saying that you believe that there is value in that but seems like you have rationalized why they have designed it for the purpose of that and I am just curious towards that rationalization.

Players: melee dps are doing way better than the ranged!!! Help us!!!
Blizzard: :smirk:

This is an affix from last expac.

Yeah I’m making a joke about how melee are very consistently stacked in high m+ keys (often seen triple dh, triple rogue, triple fury warriors, triple ret paladins, 5 tanks with twilight devastation).

It also can force tanks out which can cause a wipe

As melee I usually try to soak as many as I can safely because they do negligible damage

Thats just not true. Fire/frost mage, spriest now, Boomkins, Destro locks and others have all had consistent contention.

Its not about whether it can cause a wipe or not or whether it does a lot of damage. All affixes can cause a wipe and can be convenient. Its about the lack of consistency to previous statements that they have made in regards to design choices.

There are multiple M+ bosses that will wipe the group or cause 1 shots if there is no one in melee range and moving under the boss will also incur massive damage

No other affix can randomly screw a tank more than storming. The other affixes can be ‘skilled’ around.

I don’t agree with that but that’s fine. All affixes can do that if not played well enough. Some affixes effect different things more severely than others at certain points. I digress, this isn’t a debate about what screws people over more. Once again, it is about Storming brings no value in any form and serves to only harrass the player the entire dungeon. That is poor design.

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I’m sorry to say but RELIABLY melee have always had a spot on the team. I even look at the top runs in time right now and it’s 2/3 melee at a minimum on every single team. I was giving examples of the wild things I have personally witnessed happening as memes that become meta. There is absolutely no way I would take another ranged if I already had a warlock. If I had a moonkin? That sucks now I can’t have a healthstone but I have other utility. Spriest? Sure a lot of damage but limited utility and would not be brought over most other ranged. Mages mostly brought in the past for the heroism, but almost always ele shaman has had that spot.

Currently enhance is pumping, which is melee. So they now have the option of taking 1 other melee AND a ranged. In the past it’s been hunters, shamans, mages as the top spot. But always has been 2/3 melee.

I would generally agree with that at a certain key level. Lower-medhigh keys, you can pretty much take any comp you want. The META is far too over valued at almost all levels. ANYWAY! We are straying off topic.

Full Melee groups are basically the best synergy right now. Enhance Shaman, Rogue, Demon Hunter groups are pretty OP because they can blow **** up. You find this comp in a LOT of the top teams.

And yet Blizzard won’t take a hint. You could say this about almost all of the affixes.

Im not sure what the point of this is? Its not related to this topic.

This is the problem with most the affixes in general. They’re not making mythics more interesting, they’re making them less enjoyable.

I wish someone would remind the designers that they’re supposed to be making a game.
Rehashing the same affixes despite continual disapproval is the epitome of lazy.

Some affixes are fine, some are not.

As a tank, I find Sanguine an enjoyable challenge. It’s a genuine puzzle that needs solving, in real time.

But explosive is just annoying as hell. There’s no challenge to it other than setting up your UI. And it requires so much of your attention that you don’t get to enjoy the dungeon itself.

It was introduced after BfA, which, as you recall was heavily melee-dominated. Same with Spiteful. I think there was a clear intent to make sure that melee had some affixes that affected them more, particularly since Volcanic was basically an affix-free week for melee, and casters were already at an overall disadvantage in M+.