What Enh Talents Should Look Like

Windfury Totem removed from baseline class (Baked into Tier 4 Weapon Totems)

Tier 1
Lashing Flames Talent made baseline
- functionality added to baseline lava lash

Forceful Winds Talent Removed
- damage baked into baseline Windfury

New Talent - Fiery Rage

  • Your damaging strikes and spells incite primal fire to come to your aid for 6 sec, repeatedly dealing (X% of attack power) Fire damage to your most recently attacked target.

  • this is a fire version of Earthen Rage

  • Earthen Rage is an updated iteration of Searing Totem that allows the shaman to keep pressure up while kiting, without the drawbacks of searing totem’s stationary range, and low health

  • Currently Enhance has lost searing totem, which significantly hurts its ability to kite other melee and keep pressure up — a tactic that was part of the pvp playstyle of piano shaman

  • Fiery Rage also allows Enhancement to maintain some form of pressure on mobs in encounters that force melee out of range due to mechanics

New Talent: Echo of the Elements
Stormstrike, Healing Spring Totem, and Lava Lash now have 2 charges. Effects that reset their cooldown will now instead grant 1 additional charge.

  • Having an additional charge of Stormstrike makes it okay to not immediately spam the ability upon Stormbringer procs, as you won’t lose a proc if Stormbringer chains
  • Having an additional Healing Spring Totem charge only helps with decreasing downtime via questing
  • Adding an extra charge of Lava Lash makes it so that you don’t lose a charge of the new Hot Hands effect
  • Enhancement had Echo of the Elements in WoD

Elemental Blast - Damage Buffed to be competitive with other talents in Row

Tier 2
Stormflurry removed

New Talent: Eye of the Storm
Lightning Bolt, Elemental Blast and Chain Lightning have a 25% chance to refund all Maelstrom Weapon Stacks

  • This takes the gambling idea behind Stormflurry, but instead puts it into MSW stacks, allowing combos of double LB, Double CL (for AoE), or LB/CL reset into a Healing Surge
  • It also moves rng damage away from Stormstrike allowing it to hit harder baseline

Reworked: Hot Hand
Melee auto-attacks with Flametongue weapon have an X% chance to reduce the cooldown of Lava Lash by 100% and increase the damage of your next Lava Lash by Y%.

  • This opens up Hot Hands to be a strong choice baseline allowing the proc chance to be increased, as well as the damage buff as it only applies to a single lava lash
  • This essentially turns Lava Lash into Enhance’s version of Lava Burst, running off flametongue ( meaning it requires uptime )
  • Synergy with Echo of the Elements

Ice Strike - No Change

Tier 3
No Change

Tier 4
Elemental Assault made baseline
- this allows for more control over generating Maelstrom Weapon stacks and allows Stormstrike to hit hard baseline

Hailstorm removed (baked into Tier 5 Unleash Elements)
Fire Nova removed (baked into Tier 5 Unleash Elements)

New Talent: Guardian Totems
1 min CD
Summon totems that increase you and your party’s defensive capabilities for 15 seconds while they are within 40 yards of the totems

  • Stoneskin Totem: Reduce physical damage taken by 5%
  • Windwall Totem: Reduce magical damage taken by 5%
  • Resistance Totem: Increase the chance to resist spells and dodge attacks by 5%

New Talent: Enhancing Totems
1 min CD
Summon totems that enhance you and your party’s offensive capabilities for 15 seconds while they are within 40 yards of the totems

  • Strength of Earth Totem: Increase Strength by 5%
  • Grace of Air Totem: Increase Agility by 5%
  • Tranquil Mind Totem: Increase Intellect by 5%

New Talent: Weapon Totems
1 min CD
Summon totems that imbue you and your party’s weapons for 15 seconds while they are within 40 yards of the totems

  • Windfury Totem: Weapon attacks have a 20% chance to hit again with increased X% Attack Power
  • Flametongue Totem: Weapon Attacks deal an additional X fire damage with every hit, and Spellpower is increased by X.
  • Overload Totem: Spells have a 20% chance to overload and cast a second time for free

Tier 5
Nature’s Guardian made baseline

New Talent: Frozen Power

  • Your Frost Shock now roots the initial target in ice for 5 seconds. Targets immune to root instead take an additional X frost damage.

  • Frozen Power was a staple of piano shaman spec, and bringing it back shores up some kiting weaknesses

  • It offers an alternative from Feral Lunge, allowing for an escape, whereas lunge is a gap closer

  • Working solely on the initial target offsets any balance issues that might arise from Hailstorm (Tier 6 Unleash Elements)

  • Nature’s Guardian feels off as a survivability talent in a mobility tier

Feral Lunge - No Change
Wind Rush Totem - No Change

Tier 6
Crashing Storms removed (Baked into Unleash Elements)

New Talent: Unleash Elements
Consuming 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapons also enhances your next attack or spell within 15 sec:

  • Flame Shock - Your next flame shock causes a fire nova to erupt from the target dealing X% of attack power in Fire damage to up to 6 targets within 8 yards
  • Frost Shock - Your next frost shock creates a Hailstorm, increasing its damage by X% and hitting 5 additional targets
  • Crash Lightning - Your next crash lightning electrifies the ground, leaving behind an electrical field that deals X nature damage over 6 seconds

*- Unleash Elements serves as Enhancement’s version of Ele’s Surge of Power talent, offering some AoE variation (Burst with a ST DoT vs. Burst with snare on multiple targets)
- Crashing Storm, Hailstorm, and Fire Nova are worked into a single talent, again allowing for choice based on the situation
- Named Unleash Elements in honor of the lost ability Unleash Elements

Reworked: Stormkeeper
Instant Cast, 1.5 min Cooldown (Removed from GCD)
Charge yourself with lightning, causing your next 2 Lightning Bolts or Chain Lightnings to deal 150% extra damage and be instant cast

  • Removed from Maelstrom Weapons to allow for Burst combos of 3 LBs / 3 CLs / 1 Ele Blast, 2LBS / 1 Ele Blast, 2 CLs (potentially 4 spells with Eye of the Storm resets)
  • Removed from GCD to allow those burst combos to exist

Sundering - Not Changed

Tier 7
Reworked: Elemental Spirits
Reduces the cooldown of Feral Spirits by 30 seconds. You now summon an additional feral spirit, and your feral spirits are imbued with Fire, Ice, and Lightning, enhancing your abilities.

  • This rework takes away the gambling element to this cooldown, no longer making it feel like garbage when you get bad wolf rng
  • By adding a third wolf, you can guarantee one of each element to enhance your abilities appropriately and balance damage accordingly
  • Allows for a meaningful dps cooldown by guaranteeing one of each wolf

Earthen Spike - Not Changed
Ascendance - Not Changed


Elemental Blast will need buffed to compete with your other tier 1 talent options. The more I use it, the more I realize it adds little to current Enhancement performance.

Echo is good, though I’d ideally have it baselined through the entire class. It makes every Shaman spec play better. I’d end up using this one most of the time, even if I kinda like Fiery Rage.

Mixed on Eye of the Storm. I don’t like Stormflurry, meaning any removal of it is an immediate positive- The procs with this could also serve to fill out downtime in rotation which a lot of people are having issues with. Part of the issue is a complete lack of synergy with Elemental Blast/Stormkeeper, and how it would make Elemental Blast even more unappealing.

I do not like current Hot Hand, so this is better.

Elemental Assault being baseline is a great change. I like the idea of these tier 4 talents in general, though I’m unsure how they’d end up playing out in-game.

Nature’s Guardian needs to be baseline. Frozen Power is an additional form of utility/cc/kiting the class could really use, even if it is not the greatest form of it.

I’m unsure about Unleash Elements- In theory, it’s probably fun, but given how Enhancement plays, I’m not sure the player will always feel like they have a real choice here with their GCD-locked priority system, especially when they are trying to avoid capping on MSW stacks.

Stormkeeper being removed from MSW doesn’t change much, I think. The Lightning Bolts from Stormkeeper will benefit from and not use the MSW stacks as is, so if you have about 8 MSW stacks and follow up Stormbringer with Stormstrike, you’ll already be able to chain the Lightning Bolts. This would actually put you in a position to chain 4 Lightning Bolts easier.

Elemental Spirits change is good but the base ability needs buffed in general. I have fun using it due to the MSW generation, especially with the Legendary that reduces Feral Spirits CD, but they feel so ineffective as a cooldown.

I am toying with the idea of Unleash just working off the Shocks. Someone else on the shaman discord made a good point about being locked out as well, and possibly not being able to get the augment you want. Idea sounds good on paper, but would be problematic in implementation.

Stormkeeper not requiring 5 stack to activate allows it to go off faster — even at 8 stack, 5 is going to Stormkeeper Buff, then Stormstrike back to 5 — still only 3 lbs.

If you remove cost from Stormkeeper, you can Stormkeeper, Stormstrike to 10, and fire off 4.

I also see what you are saying about Elemental Blast — the idea was to give Enh a version of Aftershock, LB being ST and CL for AoE (Ele uses Earth Shock and EQ as spenders). Difference is EB got changed to be a builder for Ele, and is still a spender for Enh — can add EB to the talent. Would make sense that all spenders activate it (similar to Aftershock).

Edit - Updated to show lashing flames baseline, ele blast on eye of the storm, removed LL and SS from Unleash and added Crashing Storm back in to Unleash making it an AoE option alternative - Hailstorm vs. Fire Nova vs. Crashing Storm