What else should be removed from rogue

Just wondering what other skills should be removed from rogues to make it a even playing field. Increase GCDs, Stun reduction, make them a little more squishier, remove their evasion skill. Sap, blind, or other cc, to long, maybe need it to be 1 to 2 sec, or just make these skills a interrupt without loss of control. Is stealth to overpowering and need to take reference from guild wars 2 and only have it for a short duration.


Is this a joke?


remove vanish


sorry to say they already did this, or are you saying to fully remove it so there would be no in-combat stealthing (Unless you are a night elf of course)


I get what you mean bro . I main outlaw Rouge & they have basically taken away the things that make you an OUTLAW . They’ve taken away the pov of the spec because so many people were complaining about us . Well I’ve been complaining all season about feral druids , paladins ability to immune dmg , do huge damage and also HEAL their team as if they play all 3 specs of pallidans . Warriors with their constant use of one to 3 buttons that does so much damage that it doesn’t make sense etc. All they did was buff the strongest known classes of season 1 & nerfed Outlaw rouges so we’re easily triumph over . They took away improved shadow cloaks so known op classes like Feral druid (which received more op buffs) can one shot us and there’s is nothing we can do about it . Ohhhhhh that’s right , “give them a feint pvp ability that’s based purely on LUCK like roll the bones and just MAYBE ,they might use the move before a stun & Even THEN , ferals are buffed souch tht you die within the stun . They are wiping everyone’s noses for them and changing diapers . Outlaw Rouge is one of the hardest classes to play , that doesn’t do much dmg. Outlaw requires for you to actually have SKILL over DAMAGE to win a fight in the pvp world. You have to KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING . Warriors , pallidans , Druids , hunters , demon hunters , death knights… Those classes are for 4 year old new gens that can’t sit thru a 30 minute video without falling asleep . It takes a brain dead , low attention span , CHILD to play these other ‘blizzard does it for you’ classes . 3-5 buttons and you WIN . Omega cleaving abilities. HUGE healing abilities etc . How much game assist do you losers needs :neutral_face:. You go against a paladin and they have immunes . Your’re about to kill one and they heal to max :neutral_face: . You do your burst on them , but they wear PLATE ARMOR AS A DPS :neutral_face:. They do massive damage because they can use a TWO HANDED WEAPON. They can ALSO SUPPORT their teammates in pvp . I’m sorry but , how much freaking accommodating do you need to play the game ??? Leave significant healing to the HEALERS . Leave significant damage absorption to the TANKS . Leave significant DAMAGE doing to the DPS . Stop giving these complaining cry babies what they want just to listen to them STILL FREAKING CRY ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE RIGHT AFTER BEING OMEGA BUFFED . It’s not just pallidans that can use all 3 specs in one (Tanking,healing & DPS) . Now we have HEALERS OUT DAMAGING OR DANG NEAR MATCHING AN OUTLAW ROUGES DAMAGE IN ARENA :neutral_face: . Tanks are one shorting people in arena​:neutral_face:. Healers are one shorting people in arena :neutral_face:. Outlaw rouges are being killed and chased down like we were nothing to begin with . You stripped away our survivability. You stripped away something to help others kill us easier when we were alrdy easy to kill in the first place :neutral_face: You ‘buffed’ trickster , but there’s not one Outlaw Rouge that sees the buff because dmg is still compared to fate bound​:neutral_face:. You took away one of our ONLY WAYS to support our teammate (Take your cut) , but left others to supports their teammates very efficiently. You stripped away our 15% mastery increase pvp talent , so that we can’t proc sinister strike unless we sacrifice verse,haste or crit to run more mastery :neutral_face:. You people have done nothing good for outlaw simply because it’s too hard to play . Simply because people would rather hit 3 buttons than LEARN how to actually play the game to win :neutral_face:. You so called Devs don’t even play Outlaw because of the difficulty it takes to set up with ccs and score a skill :neutral_face: if you all had the option to completely erase ALL ROUGES YOU WOULD . You all know what you did & you all think that it’s funny stabbing us in the gut the way you all just did with this patch . You didn’t do it for other players . You ‘Devs’ did it for yourselves . You all play the game just like we do , so when you come up against an experienced outlaw in arena , you get that tail tapped , so you all voted to need us at the rectangle table together without a good reason other than getting your tails handed to you because you all ALSO lack the strategy and skill to win more than lose against us . This nerf Literally doesn’t make sense . You buff every one ten fold , just to nerf us around all of these op classes as if ''this is what everyone were dealing with from YOU rouges during season 1” , when in actuality , we had to cramp out freaking fingers to win against a WARRIOR or AFFLICTION LOK just to score a win against a 3 buttons loser :neutral_face: . You devs make me sick and I can’t wait to see you people fired and replaced for this PERSONAL NERF OF OUR ALREADY HARD TO PLAY SPEC :triumph: NONE OF YOU DESERVES TO SIT IN IN YOUR HIGH CHAIRS OR MAKE DECISIONS LIKE THESE . YOU ALL ARE RUINING THE GAME . not just because of rouges , nooooooo , it goes far beyond just rouges . You all are making the game too EASY . This isn’t shadow lands bro . This is suppose to be a game of SKILL and LONGEVITY. Now and days , it’s like Fortnite. You all are making the game too QUICK like a Tiktok short :neutral_face: . It’s becoming 30sec- 1 min matches where it’s not about ’ who’s better’ it’s about who can do more damage faster and stun the healer at the perfect time after they’ve used trinket :neutral_face: . Where is the fun ? I’ve decided to main cats classic in result to 11.1 . I may still play retail from time to time , but it’s only to anger myself become more solidified in my decision that you all are finally killing the game off . This was a very good way to finally kill your income in the long run . You guys better go pick up some more college courses or fill out some applications to become Fortnite devs because pretty soon , you all will be out of a job . The very ones that you buffed to the point of no sense , will be the very ones who tire of the game and stop playing . World of Warcraft is about to end it’s career just like DC Universe Online . This is the beginning of the end (which is why they’re bringing back mop, but Thts another discussion & I’m tired of typing) .


Think you are actually the very first person I have read that actually gets upset at the current state of things like myself. All other rogues are so complacent now a days. Oh they nerfed us, we will be ok. Oh they took our skills away, that’s fine it needed to be done. So I ask what else needs to be removed to make it so we no longer have to worry about being gutted. What else do the other classes need to strip from rogues to make it so we are so laughably weak that we are no longer of concern.


I think Outlaw should lose Stealth. How can someone carrying several die the size of a gnome, sneak around right infront of your face and not be seen or heard?!? Doesn’t make sense.

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my brother/sister in christ, I was joking lol, please don’t remove vanish


I had the same issue with tauren rogues. sniff sniff hmm…why does it smell like cow when there isn’t a cow anywhere.


To be brutally honest, most rogues either left or are playing the better classes now.


Decided to get on and do an arena . I can’t post pictures on here and now I see why not . Went against a warrior that did 42.43m mortal strikes all together and did 22.57m overpowers . His 3rd place dmg is at 9million (deep wounds)- unbalanced asf and doesn’t even make sense .

I did a measley 12.16m pistol shots and 11.68m fatebound coin tales thru the entire match all together . My third place dmg is suffocatng darkness which isn’t even an ability it’s my weapon enchant :neutral_face: . People are really sitting for this crap and allowing these pathetic devs to do this to us . I wish I could post these pictures here , it’s really to get mad over .


Oh and the match went on for about 5-8 minutes . Ending dmg for warrior was 124.39m and ending dmg for me was 91.32m :neutral_face:

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We arent complacent. Some of us have been screaming into this stupid void for years. Its been over a year since weve received any communication regarding our class design excluding the lines boiling down to “we just taking it out”

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For oneany class that has to use a big defensive CD for offensive purposes has to be reworked

Vanish shouldnt be mandatory for outlaw to burst.

Also, for classes like sub, have shadow dance windows is also terrible.
Make it so you are always in shadow form.

Sub damage with no dance up is really bad.


vanish and kidney of course.

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Shut up. Never wanna see this again. Sub is currently the best designed Rogue spec, and some idiot that cant even bother to post on his Rogue shouldnt be listened to.

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Honestly i will say, Sub rogues PvP talents are TRASHED! Removing Shadowy duel wss the biggest L for the spec

just remove the whole class at this point

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You’re describing things they’ve practically done already…
At the moment I just feel like a garbo version of a monk. But with no damage and tbh barely better CC.