What dungeons best to run at 50 for xp?

BRD seems to high to heal, mara and ST are long, mazey and no one really wants to do them

ZF is good xp till 54, then brd arena/prison runs

50s seems high for zf. Best xp you think though?

The dense mobs, circular design and graveyard make it very good xp per hour up to 54. Doing the last boss/rp stair event prob not good xp so if you find a group willing to skip those its even better. The mobs are yellow/green all the way to 54

I’m in the same boat right now. My problem with mara is not its maze, but really bad exp p/h. Mostly cause mobs yield same amount of exp as ZF, but are 10 times harder.

I think I will go questing for 1-2 lvls than do ST or lower BRD parts spam.

This is unfortunate, cause I did not touch quests since level 28 :grinning:

you haven’t done a quest since level 28? good lord :expressionless:


Questing is suboptimal on anything thats not a hunter

yes, i am aware that mindlessly doing ZF is “le most efficient” :expressionless:

At level 50, ZF mobs yield only 60% of the normal experience, making it approximately 30k XP per hour with an efficient group. Quests give 3-5k XP each, plus additional XP from grinding. I believe these two methods are on par when compared. I wish there were something like ZF that offered easy, dense mobs with tons of experience for level 50

4 brown boys and a healer with ravagers were able to get 50k pretty consistantly, theres also the issue of questing competition slowing down that 30k

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Mara is terrible xp when compared to zf, it needed a balace pass but never got it.

all levels will feel long with this mentality. Enjoy the journey, not the destination.


i did sm with usually 2 mages 1 lock and that was pretty good exp, saw one of the mages i friended get 2 levels in zf in an hour. when i did zf the dudes were struggling with 4 mobs and going oom, had to tell one group that wanted to clear gy for exp that it wasn’t good exp…

only certain classes in certain comps are going to be pumping experience, and even then only if they know what they are doing