Keep seeing Yolo and CR in pug RBG groups. What do they mean?
pretty sure yolo is you lose the group disbands, CR is current rating
Your ostrich loves olives
Carrot ranchers.
It’s code for, “im desperately in need of my meds”
My YOLO groups don’t tend to do that, it’s mostly we don’t give a care and are just there for conquest or quests.
It’s supposed to mean something like:
yolo: taking anyone, no real plan, win or lose just don’t rage, coin flip, honor farm for weekly chest
CR: current rating in RBGs
Yolo is short for “you open limp oysters.”
CR is short for cat rehabilitation.
you only live once ie no plan , win or lose
God bless it; I wish I thought of cat Rehabilitation
YOLO: You Only Live Once. Generally means that they’re just going to go out there any try and not worry too much about failure… They’ll probably still give up after a loss though.
CR: Current Rating. Your rating in that type of PvP content, either RBGs or arena. Ranges from 0 (never played) to 2500 (you won too much). 1400 is where you start getting ranks.
This is pretty much correct. YOLO groups don’t tend to require rating and are just for honor/conquest without any goal to push rating. Not to say people won’t still get mad/be toxic/leave the group when you lose, though. CR means current rating for all forms of rated PvP, including RBGs as this post states.