What does parsing 100 mean?

My warrior main has mostly mid 90’s and a couple 100 parses for M+, but I’m mostly at the bottom of the overall dps, like 1.4-1.5 mil for any given dungeon. Everyone else has roughly 1.7-2.0 mil. If I’m parsing at 100, and they are parsing at 100, then looks like my I’m pretty muched capped with my character?

Age is just a number

Parses are based on spec not overall playerbase. Also m+ parses are weird because they are usually for specifically that key level unless you change the settings.

People don’t really look at performance parses in m+ as there are too many variables and too small a sample size. Getting a 100 in a 14 grim batol for example means you are the highest damaging player on your spec in a 14 grim batol, but someone might’ve done much more in a 15 or higher.


Tyvm for the explanation. I’m new to addons and someone pointed out the raid logs site. Kinda cool to see where you’re at.

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Prison is just a building.

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It’s mostly useful for raids because everyone’s fighting the same few difficulties and you’re all in much more similar environments you can compare.

Logs aren’t just about the number though (As grizzle is I’m sure about to say). There’s a huge wealth of information you can pull from them, as well as compare other similar geared players performing better to work out where you could improve. You can see exactly who cast what spells and when, there everyone was standing at any given moment, who got what mechanics and how they dealt with them etc etc.

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For m+ as well, you need to use the dropdown option in the top left to go from points to damage.

You could do 500k dps in an 11 and done 1.5m in your 10, but score higher points for simply completing the 11

M+ logs are mostly unreliable because everyone pulls differently and you can be the best dps in the world, if your tank pulls slow and small, your dps will be lower. Also since not a lot of people actually do log m+ because of the aforementioned variable, you might be parsing against the tryhards that do.

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It’s something you can put on your online dating profile to help you pick up women.

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Illegal is just a sick bird

Death is but a door, time is but a window.

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When I look at new hire resumes, their m+ parse number is the first thing I check.

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