I’ve only done it a couple of times, and only for the PvP quest. Hated every second of it.
I think tanks could fill that support role in arena, but apparently nobody wants tanks in arena . Removing healers completely is not a good idea.
I’m sure shuffle will be replaced by Battleground Blitz, it’s much much better overall. Healers will have more players to peel for them.
It’s not about toxicity. It’s that healers earn less rating. It’s a weird design that totally discourages healers from queueing when they can win and lose rating.
Three divisions by roles. All tanks, all healers, all DPS.
It reveals that healing sucks and healers don’t want to que for it.
It was like this before healing nerfs. It reveals that Blizzard PvP devs know nothing about PvP and are just winging it.
There are 6 players in solo shuffle. Two are healers. Healers get rating based on the other healer’s rating and how they both play. So a healer with good rating playing against a healer with low rating is playing under their level and may earn no rating despite winning. And a lower rated healer probably isn’t good enough to do well.
Healers have zero incentive to queue.
Players had been asking for solo RBG’s for years. Blizzard doesn’t like bgs, which can’t really be turned into a broadcastable esport. Blizzard didn’t want to give them that, so they created some sort of weird round robin that nobody was asking for and said, “Look, we gave you what you wanted!” There have been times where rating was great and queues were short. But they sure killed that.
Well yes in PVP the entire point is to stop the other players from progressing, but in RSS how the queue works actively assists in stopping you from progressing. You can win games in RSS and gain no rating as a healer, and we are not talking at top end of the queue, you could be 1500 rating and never gain point for winning in RSS, it sucks and is part of the reason why people don’t play it.
Oh i know how aids healing rss is. I did rss as heals in s1 they have it way worse then dps when it comes to climbing.
That has to be fixed but to just get ppl into the mode at all i think the reward structure has to be modified.
I get rated pvp and clombing. But for anyone not pushing top of the too does it overall matter? I think rating is a good background goal but have the rewards follow differently and more ppl might pvp if stuff is attainable.
This is the same for me. The most fun I’ve had in “rated” PvP was s1 SL when everyone was doing RBG farms for gear. Easy to heal even as a noob healer like I was/am, and the PvP is simply more fun even as a DPS.
There are already 2 incentives for playing healers: the queues like you said but also there’s a healer title for winning several games above 1,8k cr, but I can say 5 months after this thread was made that it’s still not enough, queues can still be over 20 mins as dps, which is unbearable.
Turns out you were right, as it could be expected, even now there’s a title for healers queues are still terrible.
I know this is a necro, but PvP died pretty much after MoP.
In early WoW, PvPers made up half the game, easily.
Then one day, around Cataclysm, League of Legends came out and loads of PvPers just left for that. Dota 2 later on, as well.
Basically, WoW PvP was abandoned for other games.
PvE wasn’t abandoned, because it was still fairly unique, even now with M+, not a lot of other games provide something similar.
Imagine if WoW devs stopped adding to PvE because there were better PvE games out there- that’s what happened with PvP.
The WoW devs decided they couldn’t compete, and PvP population fell to whatever it is now, probably around 5% of WoW players doing PvP at the moment.
It’s really bad, and saying PvP is dead is an understatement.
Would you play League of Legends or Call of Duty if the matches were around 45 mins to 1 hour of waiting between games?
No, you would not. You’d drop that game because it’s dead, and play something else.
To answer the question in the OP: it simply means that not enough people are willing to put up with being a healer in solo-queue PvP and all the fame that they get in that context.
so I don’t spend any time pvping, but this seems like an easy fix too me.
just have the system match all dps vs all dps when there are not enough healers.
This is all wrong.
PvP is the second most valued feature of WoW right now, only behind M+, according to the poll on this very forum.
WoW PvP (BGs) is still incredibly fun and unique among all MMOs.
Solo Shuffle is dead because it’s a terrible format, almost as bad as arenas.
Random BGs are dying because Blizzard is doing nothing to balance the PvP classes and to combat the rampant premade issue/sync join cheating, which has been creeping even into BG Blitz, the best feature ever added to WoW PvP in decades.
The easier fix, and this has been an answer since forever, is removing healers from PvP.
You get a much faster, funner game.
Haha, it is? If that’s true, WoW might be in an even worse spot that I expected.
Battleground queues have only been getting longer, on average about 7 mins for a regular casual BG queue, and they often don’t even fully fill anymore.
Contrast this with WoTLK PvP during peak, instant queues, always under 2 minutes, full every time before the battle starts.
PvP has been in continued decline more than any other activity in this game. It’s the scene that’s died the hardest.
Rated, especially. Go look in the rated battlegrounds section of the LFG tool and tell me what you see, lol.
Yes, it’s true.
Rated BGs were never worth it for the solo/casual players, even when new and at the peak, because one loss = team disband.
Pretty much the same as lead raiding in the group finder: one wipe = at least 6 ppl leave, gotta wait for refill summons etc.
BG Blitz will be changing that scenario.
That’s the only thing I actually am excited for, because I can keep playing Rated Battlegrounds alone and not worry about finding a group, which is an impossible task these days.
Solo Queue RBGs should have been implemented a while ago, because groups can’t stay together.
I know many PvPlayers who are excited to finally have a rated PvP mode that cater to us, even if BG Blitz has its weirdness and is not exactly the rated solo randoms we were looking for.
In the end, if a problem is still relevant, I don’t believe this count as a necro: if queues were fixed, the thread would die because people would have no reason to complain, but queues are so long nowadays that to get a few wins I need to spend hours reading stuff on forums.
I agree regarding the % of pvp players, cause usually only 3-5% of players end up getting the seasonal vicious mount, and only a very small % gets it later when the saddle vendor starts selling it.
I would’ve taken normal BGs, just solo queues and rated.
But tbh, Battleground Blitz is welcome fun.
The fact that mounts are faster and the battles are 8v8 mean they go by faster, so more players can get into games faster.
There’s just too much waiting involved in current PvP, imo.