What does long solo shuffle queues say about the game?

The pug experience for arenas is abysmal. Plus there’s solo shuffle exclusive rewards like Legend

I also see some people suggesting just adding a shiny reward for healers, this is a band aid fix and will never fix the problem

I also see more people talking about how arenas and pvp really is flawed. Wouldn’t you think a radical change then is better than slowly watching it die?

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Solo Shuffle is fun, but it does shine a light on Blizzard’s approach to class balance and the weak points of the trinity system in a gaming sphere where people want to play “Solo” often.

The solo shuffle queue situation is about healers as others have said… It’s not a population issue or whatever that other garbage about “side game”.

WoW PvP tournaments draw high viewer numbers…

I rolled Arms in solo shuffle (Never play Arms, no idea what I’m doing) and went 5/1 and just crushed the healer several times FTW. I actually felt bad because once you know you can shred someone…you do it again.

If I was one of those healers, I would strongly consider a re-spec to DPS after that match…

I have a Druid that I am comfortable healing on and will still run Solo-Shuffle as DPS…cause I’d rather wait in the queue than deal with that…

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I think them making other pvp modes/content is probably worth more . Arenas will always exist and there’s a crowd that really like them.

It means no healers.

Healing is too hard and most okay or good healers know people to play with so they queue 2s or 3s

Shuffle is just a ton of dps who can’t find healers

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I’m fine with this. I think Arena was a mistake from the beginning because of the balance issues that then permeate throughout the rest of the game. And no, I don’t think radical is the answer as you’d be creating yet another complex system that has to be balanced across all aspects of the game.

Maybe just play a healer for faster queues, or get out of the pug mentality and look for permanent team members.

You personally not liking a piece of content doesn’t mean it’s justified for no one else to get the best version of it

Taking steps to improve ALL players experience should be the goal. PvPers and arena players included

Blizzard cares enough about arena to host the AWC, you know why no one watches? Because no one knows what’s going on in the screen

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PvP is terrible designed in this game. IF you didn’t start to pvp since they came up with pvp Ilvl, you are always behind.

Unless you like painful and frustrating random BG grind to get blue pvp gear then don’t even try pvp period. Me personally always feel the need to try rated pvp, but I am more pve player. Entering BG with pve gear is slap to the face , and griding the honor to get the gear is even bigger slap in the face. I’m far away from being lazy, its simply the fact that is so frustrating not be able to contribute to the team if you don’t have pvp gear.

So I think that above stated opinion may be the reason why PvP has such long ques and its not balanced

Fortunately pvp gearing is easier than ever, but I do agree it can be a barrier to entry if it isn’t your main form of content and that creates a lot of friction

I don’t know why people would want to heal toxic bad randoms when being a healer means you are rare so you can choose plenty of good players to play with you consistently. Unless solo shuffle gave +300 rating to healers or something I don’t see why people would heal solo shuffle over any other rated pvp mode.

Usually people want to play with the best teammate they can find. If there are 10 dps with skill level 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 and 5 healers with skill 9,7,5,3,1 the 10 dps will play with the 9 healer, the 9 dps will play with 7 healer, 8 dps with 5 healer, 7 dps 3 healer, 6 dps any healer they can find, 54321 dps either do double dps or do not play or get some brand new healer who doesn’t understand this.

I didn’t try it in season 3. But I can see that the price of single piece of gear hasn’t changed. Unless they boosted honor gain per match

They need a real scorecard scoring system to get more people to queue, it really is that simple. Use the combat logs to full effect, see who is actually doing more then others properly and reward them for it.

Damage done, damage taken, healing done and taken, CC used, interrupts, everything you can record on a DPS meter, that all comes from the combat log, use it and calculate scores based on it, reward players who are trying and punish those who are dead weight, i.e. players who sulk and go AFK for 2-3 rounds and ruin any chances of players winning, or players who leave.

And they need to make it not just first person dead, but actually allow a game to be played out, too many times I have had a game where one person dies and someone on the other team is one hit away from dying, but too bad, your teammate died, you lose.

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Solo shuffle will die when rated q bgs come out

And good f-ing riddance.

Healing it is aids. Dampening sucks. Stun locks suck. Healer mmr and rating swings suck. Yea sign me up. rofl lol at that value proposition.

Pvp reward structure also sucks. Its 99% time sensitive and then locked behind rating so losing rating feels even worse.

Id q more if i actually could progress towards something vs being stuck in a rating band forever getting f-ing nothing.


Why do you think rated bg qs will be any different?

Healing bgs isnt nearly as aids as arena and more dps per game means faster qs

In rss one global and its over

If i can get the elite set via that ill never touch rss again either as dps or heals

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Isn’t it more aids at a rated level? You have more people to heal, more people to get angry and more people to cc you

Nah you dont have dampening so healing actually heals.

You have ppl to peel and a death doesnt mean the round is over


Guess we will see how it goes when it releases. Personally I think it’ll be the same problems as shuffle. Long q’s and low player activity

Could be, but more dps per q should make it better you can also q with a healer buddy i believe

Frankly if you want participation in pvp the rewards structure needs to change. If you get nothing for playing then wtf is the point. I want my time to matter. And in pvp other players will actively prevent you from climbing because thats the point of pvp lol.

Sets shouldnt be time limited but should earnable over time. Mythic raid sets dont go away its only comparable. You should be able to unlock old sets too. Maybe one token a season to earn an old set. Maybe weapons too.

Enchants, titles, achieves and mounts can be time sensitive for ppls epeen and so they are unique special snowflakes idgaf.

Having the set unlock over rating is also stupid when its time sensitive cause what im gonna have half a set forever of i dont hit 1800?

Slap the elite set as a reward after the vicious saddle and the weapons after that. Id keep q’ing regardless of my crap rating cause i could earn what i want over time by winning a few games at a time.

But itll never happen

One thing they need to do is avoid letting class balance issues fester to the point that people start tuning out, because even if they get things right later, people won’t necessarily come back quickly (if at all).

I played a holy paladin at the end of season 1 and the experience was so awful that I didn’t bother trying again when they reworked it and supposedly made it super overpowered at some point in season 2; at that point I’d found other hobbies, plus the elite set was not only not as pretty as s1, it didn’t even look better than any of the other versions of the same set (LFR, normal, heroic, mythic, gladiator)

Because it’s not fun, it’s unbalanced, and there’s no reason to do it.