What does "Item Comparison Cycling" keybind do?

Under Esc - Key Bindings - Miscellaneous, there’s a command called “Item Comparison Cycling” bound to Shift-C by default. Does anyone know what does it do? I tried activating it while hovering over equipped items or items in my bag under various conditions but noticed nothing. Thanks.


I know this is old, but I just discovered this while poking around. I do not see what this does and a quick google reveals others with the same question that has also gone unanswered.

Does anyone know anything about this that could shed some light on it?

Especially this bit.

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called “necro bumping” or “necroing”).

Just ask your question. Don’t resurrect a years-old post to do it.

Thanks for not providing anything of context to this. You don’t work for Blizzard so stop acting like some moderator. Furthermore, why don’t you go to the General Forums and post the same thing in threads people necro there.

Once again, thanks for adding nothing to this question and only serving to up your post count.

Furthermore, what you referenced was about bumping something for the sake of bumping with no reason. I actually have a reason, but I guess you didn’t bother to read said reason.


The context for this shouldn’t need stating. You necro’d a two year old thread to ask a question you could have asked without doing so just as well in violation of the forum guidelines.

I copied the rules you apparently didn’t read or didn’t clearly understand.

These forums are self moderated. They rely on us to report violations. I could have flagged it as a violation of the terms of use. I didn’t.

“I found an unanswered question from two years ago so I thought rather than follow the rules and ask fresh, I’d break them and ask on top of it even though the post I necro’d adds nothing to the question I asked” isn’t exactly a reason. It’s more just a description of your actions.

If “I wanted to necro an ancient thread because it’s on a similar topic” were a valid reason for necroing old threads, the rule wouldn’t be there.

That bind was introduced in patch 6.0.2 in 2014. (It still exists in classic/bcc because their UIs are based off modern WoW.)

Looking at what’s visible in the UI’s code, it has something to do with tooltips. I can’t figure out specifically what it does.

The only possibly-related patch note I could see that might explain what it does:

  • Improved weapon comparison tooltips to make it easier to compare between 2-handed and 1-handed weapon setups.

Thanks for helping to answer this.


Dude, just stop. You are only here for drama. Don’t act like you did me some favor by not reporting something. I could give two craps about what you do or don’t.


Haha whatever you say. If nothing else, you have been entertaining.


That’s my goal. :slight_smile:

Man… just read through this, sorry there are people like him lol. It’s sad because some people have nothing better to do than try to step on other people because they are lacking in some way in “real” life. Either way I don’t think you violated any “rules”. Also by the looks of likes on your post and non on his, seems other agree. If anything that guy should be reported for harassment.


Glad I found this. Wasn’t sure what it did either and couldn’t find info anywhere. Now I know I can rebind it without fear of changing something useful.

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If you have a two hander equipped and hold shift to bring up the item comparison window on a one hander, it will automatically pick another one hander from your bags and compare dual wielding those against the two hander. Hitting the cycle keybind will cycle that secondary one hander to a different one hander in your bags.