What does it take to build a good PvP community? One that can thrive through the ups & downs & support people all over the skill spectrum that can also support players who love all different kinds of PvP modes? Thoughts? FYI I won’t take that it can’t exist as a real answer.
The thought is a community like a discord community/in game/guilds/etc not really related to gameplay which as players we honestly have less control over. Community as in something we can control.
I agree they almost need to be specialized. BUT, one of my issues is how splintered a lot of the communities are in PvP, the ones that exist and thrive. They largely don’t like promoting or working with each other.
Idk the lore but a lot of comms (epics big offender) can be described as “middle schoolers pretend to be LA gangs”
People just get ridiculously tribal, in my experience normal people already have their circles and don’t really branch away from that (for reasons mentioned prior)
I think the only way to do this in Discord is have specialized rooms for each discipline. (I believe most groups would have that anyway)
Or maybe just have a Battleground community only? There is probably that already. I think it’s very difficult to gel that altogether tbh, unless it’s a smaller community that someone has already said.
I am going to be honest, many of the communities I find are pretty niche or a smaller group of friends. Btw that is not bad, but my opinion is there is never really much effort put into pvp communities OUTSIDE of that niche, even some of the bigger ones. Not saying no work goes into them, but they don’t work with others for many reasons. Personal differences, stupid drama etc etc.
There have been a couple I thought were done real well, and had a bright future but either die or move on from PvP.
comes down to respect for your fellow players wether or not its the same faction or not. i know this is ironic coming from me but im working on it!
we all have bad days its important to remember we’re supposed to be having fun.
As someone who largely plays solo (or queues solo) atm I have heard from a few people anyone they would love to have more people to queue with for even unrated content. Community also just isn’t actually playing the game together either, it expands outside the game as well. Some of the best wow community discords I have been in are ones that while WoW is the reason people are there, it provides more than that.
Everyone has to be working towards the same goal or upholding the same value system
It doesn’t matter if people are culturally, demographically, or ideologically different. People gotta respect each other, keep egos in check, sweat the small stuff, tolerate differences in opinion, refrain from needlessly incendiary conversations, agree on redlines, and ultimately see each other as a positive element of the game
Communities are here to elevate our game experience. Social navigation is doable if everyone feels like they’re respected and on the same team.
Too many communities are just empty husks. People looking for something that matches their interests will see a comm with 1000 members and think, “oh wow! PvP Gods has so many people in it this will be great! They even have a PvP Gods 2, 3 and 4!”
Then they join and find that no one logs on and no one says anything. And these comms will sit like that for months and even years. This is a management problem.
This is probably the biggest issue. For a large community, you would need to have multiple co-leaders that are pretty much working on the community full time to keep people engaged.
It’s very difficult to make everyone happy when there are so many people looking for and expecting different things and having different temperaments and personalities. I think eventually this just wears leaders out.
I ran the Horde level 50 twink community for much of last expac. Was great. Only had to ever remove one guy for vastly inappropriate behavior.
Of course not everyone liked everyone. We had some hotheads and people who played cross faction sometimes formed rivalries. But I just reminded everyone that level 50 twinking was a niche community, and if we made it a toxic environment it wasn’t going to exist anymore. Our ability to enjoy level 50 content depended on having an active community, or else queue times would be massive. This meant we had to be on the same team, working for the same goal of a friendly community, and appreciate each member for making our game mode possible.