What does gear update mean?

And if this only available for 1 character? Still haven’t decided what I want to play and don’t want to make a mistake from the get go.

So, the gear update is for existing characters who haven’t logged in for a long time (not sure of the time frame. 30 days? 90 days?). It is supposed to upgrade your gear to your current level. It will have no impact on a new character.

Means that they going to outfit you in current stat gear for your current level and no its for all characters that have not logged on for a while when the stat squish happened and what not you good to go mate.

no real impact to your character, you will out level the gear fast anyways, not limit of characters you can use it on, the game will notify you if there is an upgrade available for each character you have.

Gives new gear and bags. The one annoying thing tho is it will tele you to like Stormwind and reset your hearthstone to that inn. It was annoying getting back to the places I used to have it set like Sinfall

It replaces all your gear and everything in your bags get mailed to you. You get pre-determined free bags (not always bigger or better) as well. It’s really almost never worth it. If you’re not leveled your gear is irrelevant most of the time. It also resets all your action bars and all abilities on them iirc.

The key annoyance is what Gundox said; it resets all your action bars and abilities as well. For that reason, I regret doing it the one time I did it and will never do it again.

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Yeah I think we all made that mistake exactly one time lol. Imo with it resetting all your abilities, the only way it could make sense is if you literally haven’t played the character in years and can’t even remember your basic abilities or rotation. Otherwise it will be much more jarring to have to replace all your abilities back to have some sense of how you liked them.

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I’ve used it on many characters.

When they first introduced it, I used it on my rogue, it wiped the quests in the log. Wish I hadn’t done that. Now, they give you a choice to wipe the log or not.

For characters you have not played in a long while, I think it’s worth it.

I would recommend against selecting that option.

I did that for my shaman and i regretted it. It reset my interface, talents, pulled all my abilities off my bars, badly messed my inventory up (new bags got equipped and all the items that were in my bags were then in my mailbox). big oof

if you want all your crap in tiny bags and gear that is usually lower level than what you are wearing, press the button.