Just a random thought while I am trying an Arcane Mage again for the hundredth time (maybe this time I’ll get it)
it taste like chicken
It tastes like gnomes believe it or not.
probably like water and cinnamon rolls/whatever other form the food takes the form of.
Cotton candy.
Also, do Mages like…literally create it out of nothing…or do they like…reach their hands through a tiny portal and steal em from somewhere else?
Like Synthahol.
It probably tastes like the equivalent of fake meat. Meaning it’s probably passable for whatever it claims to be, but you can tell when eating it that something isn’t quite right with the taste.
The nebulous clouds of hopes and dreams.
I imagine it all tastes like soy or other plant based alternatives to existing meals. Like it’s not bad, but it’s never quite what you think it should taste like.
The real question is if they have calories or not
Probably like twinkies, which are just edible objects
I think it taste like a cinnamon roll.
Nothing. It disperses into mana the second it touches your tongue.
You know those sad, pitiful packages you see in the cooler section of the 7-11? The ones that they call sandwiches?
It tastes a lot like that.