What does change look like?

Don’t forget, Blizzard’s not exactly a foundational pillar of the gaming industry any more.

It’s been five years since their last new title. None of the existing stuff is generating much in the way of new revenue after five years, and I’m sure you’re seeing steady declines in participation as time goes on.

With the overall CEO such a friggen Dragon when it comes to amassing and hoarding treasure, Blizzard’s a major expense who can’t even keep WoW’s ship afloat, to say nothing of Reforged or Diablo Immortal’s reception.

It’s entirely possible the act of settling this State suit will cause a company increasingly devoted to the positive number of the bottom line to cut its losses and just shutter everything. The payroll savings alone will net the man another Yacht or two, I’m sure.


I’m sure they’ll sell the IPs if Activision did that. The question is, who would buy them? Will Disney gobble up Warcraft? Or perhaps Riot?

If its Disney, expect every race to get the treatment this Tauren gets.


Making Sylvanas a Disney princess would solidify this as the dumbest timeline


She’s not royalty, so unlikely.

Jaina would be a Disney Princess. Maybe Anduin would get added for inclusivity if Disney decides he identifies as a woman.

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I’ve always wondered if they would, a few years ago a producer at Disney told me (after they bought Fox) We’re still VERY hungry.

Still, how hungry do you have to be to eat a turd :face_with_monocle:


You know, I was going to post something about Princesses and Disney… then I saw the Tauren make over… and I’m not sure I’m against it now. No symetrical cleft down his head-neck. and a horn ring. it has potiential.


I think it’s less about eating a turd, and thinking of what you could grow using that turd as fertilizer. Warcraft is a household name and a gaming industry legend. It will never be forgotten, and it’d make a nice addition to the crown jewels for a certain mouse.

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She’s dubbed “The Banshee Queen” so pseudo royalty or whatever.

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I mean, that Tauren is pretty easy on the eyes, sure. Not that regular Tauren are an eyesore though.

So she’s a Queen, not a princess. Queens in Disney movies are almost always evil, so that tracks with Sylvanas.

Would Princess Theradras be a majestic Disney princess?


They’ve been eyeing both Disney and Amazon for anti monopoly laws I’m pretty sure so it wouldn’t surprise me if the feds actually split Disney up again. Especially if they buy another company.

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Interesting stuff – they definitely bought an absurd amount of IP, it’s kind of insane @_@

Be hilarious if Games Workshop bought WarCraft and StarCraft IPs.

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Honestly, I seriously don’t expect a huge shakeup to happen.

While it isn’t the more discerning metric, that activision’s stock hasn’t moved much gives me the impression that investors still have confidence in the company at large, in spite of the allegations. Shareholders aren’t really losing sleep over this.

And since this didn’t reach any criminal suits,(civil cases only here) I think we can best hope is for a statement, a settlement, and then some sort of promise to make things better. :man_shrugging:t6:


You know what’s weird though? They’ve been more or less steadily rising in the stock market. I don’t get economics lmao.

Yeah I mean tbh she’s about as royal as Napoleon… whose family many still consider a “royal family”. She may not have been born royal but she appropriated the title and used it to a world-changing effect, much like Napoleon I guess. So I’d count her as royalty.

That would make a reboot of “Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2” very interesting.

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The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if the stocks aren’t being manipulated somehow to keep things looking pretty even when they aren’t.

Despite all the rainbow pride merch they sell, Disney would never make a main character LGBT unless they could somehow censor every scene they’re in for screenings in certain countries.

Hell, even then I’m pretty sure they’re too cowardly to make anyone trans.

They are fairweather progressives at best. Only willing to support the marginalized in places where they’ve already been made acceptable enough to be profitable.


To be fair, I think they’d make Jaina the main character. She is the princess after all.

I could see them rebooting WoW and restarting from Jaina’s perspective as a Disney+ exclusive series. All she needs to officially become a Disney princess is a marketable pet/cute-sidekick. Who knows? Maybe they’d bring back her Gnome apprentice.


Is this not what Baine is?