What does a Warlock do in this PvP meta?

I am seriously asking for help. My dots tick got 30-40 damage. My shadowbolt or incinerate hit for 150-200. If I am not in meta or using soul link, I get deleted instantly by melee. Everyone with engineering can break fear, plus I play Horde, so alliance has fear ward. How is a warlock supposed to PvP with these changes? Keep in mind that we were terrible before these changes, but now we are even worse. We were strong in phase 1, but I think a lot of people kept that perception of us until now.

I am looking for real advice and not troll answers. How do Warlocks play the game now?


In BGs position yourself better and avoid being put into melee situations.

In open world… move in groups or be soul link. WPvP has been a joke for nearly 20 years. If you are a real (ie non soul link) spec, and out in the world say leveling, your best bet is to be both hyper vigilant AND HYPER aggressive. Dark Forest theory and such… any time you discover a potential threat, you kill it immediately before it has a chance to destroy you.

As far as dueling is concerned… Dueling is a joke, but soul link.

Also… We where stronger in p2 than we where in P1 by far, and up until the global damage reduction implemented this weekend, we where downright overpowered/broken, at least with regard to BGs.

You basically never want to be close enough to a target for master channeler/drain life to be useful. Grab Grim Reach or Destructive Reach (or both) and sit in the 31-36 yard zone. Positioning is far and away the most important skill to learn for lock pvp… your spell combos being the #2 aspect… I’d recommend watching some videos to get a better idea of playstyle/positioning. Neither Soul Link, nor Meta are “good” … For this phase you want conflag, Shadow Mastery/Shadowburn, or Nightfall/Ruin


You turn into our finally form and wreck most if not all.

And that finally form is!

MEELE LOCK! And no, I am not trolling.

As a dedicated Warlock Tank for my guild, and at 65% damage reduction from armor, casters are the ones that give me trouble more thjan anything. On a 1 v 1 fight, nothing can really beat me, except for maybe a paladin with full cooldowns. Even then I try to wait out drain life until after bubble, and usually if i can do that I will win.

Try to get more stamina and damage mitigation items/talents.

lol what? how many dwarf priests are running around on alliance compared to how many undead players there are? For a warlock you are definitely on the easier faction, do alliance warlocks get 25% stun resist or a free fear/charm trinket? and at least since everyone’s doing less damage warlocks are pretty much unkillable now anyways, you’ll be fine

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Go destro,im still slappin ppl w destro. I can crit for 1400 with my bolts.

Soul link master demonologist with felguard and soul link. Get the trinket from bloodmoon (5 silver) to get a beefier buff from demonic knowledge.

You’re basically fully mobile and unkillable. Just kite anybody 1v1 while using haunt and master channeler/dots. I don’t have any problem killing anybody besides priests.

I just laugh when rogues try to gank me.

A Dwarf Priest can cast Fear Ward on other players. It isn’t exclusive to themselves.

Thread is chock full of bad information(honestly to be expected on any game’s official boards).

Yeah, warlock’s pretty awful right now compared to what it was at before. The nerf to damage obliterates warlock output in pvp and any healer will just outsustain anything you do. Your only real function is a curse of tongues and cc bot. And if you think Fear Ward is an issue, lol, try playing an alliance warlock. A one-absorb dispellable buff that’s only available from one race of one class versus the overwhelming majority of one faction’s race or totems that can pulse break an entire group, you don’t even know anything CLOSE to pain if you’re a horde warlock vs an alliance one.


yeah so? you need to lose that victimhood mentality, you totally ignore will of the forsaken doesn’t just break fears it makes you immune to fears has a short cd and every undead gets it and orc get 25% stun resist so their goes fel gaurd cc as well. And again where are these dwarf priests lol you might be unlucky enough to see what one every 5 games, 10 games? you’ll be right, especially after they said last phase all priests are going to get fear ward anyway, will we then see you cry to have your will of the forsaken taken off you when that happens? doubtful, git gud, warlocks are fine

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So, I take back everything in this thread. I just decided to go join a pre-made. Had 11 WSG wins in a row, with 7 minutes being the shortest, and 11 minutes being the longest.

The secret to Warlock PvP this phase is being carried by better classes.

I agree that Warlock was hit stupidly hard with this blanket damage reduction, but this is hilarious. Alliance get to deal with Undead which get a racial that breaks Fear, Charm, and Sleep in addition to being immune to such abilities for several seconds after. A Dwarf Priest being able to make one of your Fears fail on a select ally every 30 seconds is not putting you at a major disadvantage. Horde get Tremor Totems for free on top of all this.

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I honestly don’t care. This isn’t the topic. Discuss Horde vs Alliance in another thread. This thread is about Warlock PvP in phase 3.

Then why did you bring up how disadvantaged you are for playing Horde as a Warlock in the discussion? It’s hilarious.

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Hatespeach brought it up. I don’t care about the topic. Drop it and go to another thread if you want to discuss it. Stop being a troll.

No he didn’t. It’s literally in your original post. YOU brought it up.

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Stop trolling and leave. The topic is Warlock PvP in Phase 3.

Stating facts is now trolling?

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Just going to report and block you. Bye.

You’re a utility debuff bot in group PvP. Your focus should be fearing people, putting Curse of Tounges on casters, mana draining healers, dispeling stuff and silencing people with your Felhunter. With healing so OP now you have to play the game of attrition to win.

I play a hunter and I spend all my time tab-targeting casters while spamming viper sting, stomping poison cleanse totems, and popping off traps for snares & entrapment.

And please don’t take this the wrong way, but as a long-time alliance warlock player; please don’t ever ever complain about how hard it is to be a horde warlock :frowning:

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