What do youse really think

…is the 5 Most REQUESTED Features That All WoW Players Want In World Of Warcraft?

Well… takes out tattered/wrinkled notes

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  1. Player Housing
  2. Ability to dye armor
  3. Spaces in names
  4. Account Wide Ignore
  5. Various Character Races and Customizations (Lumping this one together because there are A LOT of these)

Although to be fair, I highly doubt that ALL players want any of these…but they seem to be the most frequently requested features.


Dylan and Dylan.

  • Five: Longer dragon cruise time.
  • Four: An altimeter for flying.
  • Three: Black tights available from day one because they go with any top.
  • Two: New stuff each expansion, no borrowed power but no button bloat either.
  • And the number one thing I really think, We can cook the food, we should be able to eat it.

Most requested? Can it be biased so it is only the requests made by gnomes?

  1. More gnome face options that don’t look angry or ugly
  2. More small door locations so tallies can not come in (sorry hunk harem)
  3. Gnome Druids
  4. Gnome Demon Hunters
  5. Gnome Paladins

-Housing would easily be #1, no contest. We’ve been homeless people for the vast majority of our time in WoW, living from inn to inn via hearthstone. It’s been 20 years and we still ‘live’ like this lol.

-Either Armor Dyes, or some kind of expansion of the transmog system. It’s nice for what it is, but armor is starting to look very dated with the painted-on nature of most armor textures at this point.

-Last names/Surnames, or spaces in names. Mostly for RPers but I’m sure everyone would have a name they’d like. I’d go from “Eat” to “Eat Mor Chikin”

-More new races/classes, maybe even new combos. I want my Undead Paladin already.

-Visual and lore updates, and reason to go back to the ‘old world’ of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, and even older expansions being made more relevant/evergreen. Give older content a reason to be replayed.


Free cupcakes for belfs and velfs.

1.) Revamp of the pet battle system
2.) More elf customizations
3.) Fated season to be expanded upon. Drop a raid tier so we can get two seasons per expansion dedicated to revisiting old content
4.) More wrist transmogs from the Trading Post
5.) Magni Bronzebeard

Jar Jar wants his tag line back.

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For me and in no particular order of most to least would be

1.Human tattoos
2.Human tattoos
3.Human tattoos
4.Human tattoos
5. Human tattoos

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Tuxedo pants fits this and they’re ingame.

Player housing, playable Ogres, Dance Studio, playable Murlocs, playable Naga.

Bonus: ability to transmog pants into invisible.

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Only thing I can think of at this time and it’s just an appearance one is open up all hairstyles to all races/classes.

That way, it becomes a more options thing while giving the player base the ability to somewhat customize and make original their characters while not impacting workload of Blizz employees - at least I hope so.

I said that badly so I hope it made sense.

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Tuxedo pants are not tights.

But they’re painted on so they look like tights unless I’m misunderstanding what you mean by tights.

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Painted on? Are you talking in the game or real life?

In the game clothing is displayed over the part of the body where it belongs in a 2D image that simulates 3D as the figure appears to turn.

Simulating tuxedo pants would look different than simulating tights.

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Mints on my pillow when I log in, pie, Toaster Strudel, cake in the evenings, and a fresh glass of chocolate milk when I gain a level.

Do you need the jaws of life to remove those pants? I noticed a lot of pants are just painted on. I don’t think Tiffany like skintight jeans, 'eh? :wink:

I want a house for me and my foxes. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: