What do you want to see in TWW?

Hi fellow harbingers of death!
I wanted to ask today, as a player newer to the class, what changes to DK do you want to see going into the War Within?

Personally, I would like some skill updates. Some of our spells look kind of dated, examples being Lichborne and our ghoul models. I’d also like to see a bit of a class rework, with some of our mobility and cleave issues. What about you guys? :slightly_smiling_face:


Abomination, at least for pvp. Would be amazing see it on pve as well.

And Necrotic Strike, based on str/maxhp %.

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I want to see damage pulled out of major cooldown abilities and conditional buffs, and more of it placed back into the actual keystrokes themselves. I also want to see a return to meaningful resource management.

I’m fine with how complex the rotations are between either spec, but where the complexity is, does not yield satisfying moment to moment gameplay. Your damage contributions are primarily done during brief windows of intense overlapping power, and that feels great when you pull it off, but it ultimately leads to massive portions of DPS uptime that are effectively meaningless to your overall contribution to a raid or dungeon. Like if you’re sitting with Pillar and BoS down with frost, you may as well just go afk. If you’re between CDs on unholy, you may as well just go afk. Major gigaspells like Breath of Sindragosa, Gargoyle, and Army of the Damned play massive roles in suppressing base damages and making core moment to moment gameplay floaty and unimpactful on a moment to moment basis. Many of our core rotational spells unironically do tank damage, unless amplified by half a dozen buffs, either triggered passively, or through other elements of rotation. I’d like our spells to be impactful, while resource management is made slightly more difficult, so working up to power spells is less about tracking buffs, and more about managing our resources in a smart way.

Blood is fine IMO, but could use some build diversity. I’d love to be able to run Bonestorm in competitive keys.


Damage ripped from KM and put into the rest of Frost’s kit since that’s where 90% of the baseline damage actually is. Less emphasis on Obliterate and more on Howling Blast & Frost Strike so the spec isn’t just an Obliterate spam bot for another expansion. More wyrms (like FWF) & spell-based abilities (like Cold Heart, Icy Touch, Pestilence, Death Siphon) since Frost (and DK by extension) are more battle-caster like Enhance & Ret than melee striker like Rogues & Warriors.

A disease based Unholy build (which they said they’re working on but :person_shrugging:) Wounds are here to stay so won’t beat that horse.

Agreed that Blood is generally fine and just needs some build diversity. Having a more active DR that’s easier to get and can be used (not Boneshield related) would do wonders since Blood is more prone to 1 shots than other tanks.

Updated animations across the board for all the specs. Superstrain in the class tree since DKs are about diseases and having 1 is just sad. Mirror Ball to return - either in a hero tree replacing one of the meh defensive talents or in the class tree. Regular Gorefiend’s in the class tree and leave an upgraded version for Blood. A ton of talents should be combined to mirror other trees (Blood Scent could be rolled into Merciless Strikes for example with zero repercussions). Death Pact should be far less punishing to use, possibly not punishing at all.

And lastly, some actual raid class utility that’d make people want to bring a DK (and Hunter & Shaman). I think these stragglers should have a choice node in the class to bring an existing class buff instead of just giving them all a “unique” buff that very likely won’t be remotely as good as even Mystic Touch. Something like DKs having a choice node between a Battle Should & Ret Aura clone would basically “kill” the requirement for a 2nd Paladin and let DK flex that position, or flex over a Warrior for example.

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A reason to play my DK over Warrior/Pal/Rogue.


Removal of talents such as scythe, glacial advance, and maybe even chill streak as these don’t really interact with fdk kit.

Oblit should naturally frost scale. And KM should only grant crits. And critical strike chance should be critical strike modifier with KM do that crit strike is still a useful stat for oblit.

More focus on the core rotation of frost keeping oblit the main dmg source.

Making DW/2h debate irrelevant by removing MotfW and baking that dmg into oblit normally, dual enchants on 2handers, and proc normalization.

Remove DnD and have obliterate naturally cleave or cleave during remorseless winter.

Frost wyrm’s fury base 2 min cd talent into 1 min cd either in the talent tree or as a pvp talent to make frost goes scarier seeing as how every go is going to be disarmed if there isn’t an immediate stun.

PvP specific defensive buffs as frost is one of the first dead PvP specializations and unholy isn’t far behind. Even against magic damage they can struggle. Or unnerf death strike and make it work regardless of MS

For Frost:
-Longer arms
-Howling blast as our aoe builder instead of dnd cleave. Make howling blast great again
-Breath with no cd or a 1min cd that doesn’t last more than 30 seconds
-a better version of obliteration, can feel clunky at times if you don’t have ERW up.
-something new for remorseless winter that isn’t just GS stacking

In general:
-an actual raid buff
-slappy hands as a choice node with gorfiends