What Do You Think?

About a /Cool function. Just type in /cool and it just says “Gorgenfraul thinks you are cool” or something.

I know we have a /high-five and whatnot. But let me explain.
Standing in the little PVP Hall in Valdrakken. Somebody had their pvp skin for reaching Gladiator, so their Slitherdrake was looking cool as hell!
Not a thumbs up, as nice as it is. It’s not high-five worthy because they were alliance scum.
But a /cool nod of respect… it’d be cooler if we could…
What say you?


Can’t you just smack em with an awesome fish? I forget if those are faction limited.


Jazz lingo leads to drugs.


Someone would probably complain at being hit by a fish though. Even if it’s meant to show how awesome that person is.

So /cool would be better.

Yeah, I do feel like there’s an emote missing to be able to compliment the opposite faction.


We do its /awe

I like more emotes. That sounds fun.

And sometimes there’s xmogs cross faction that I want to compliment so having that /cool would fit that!

“Fuzzbutt thinks you are cool. You rock!”

This is a very fun idea!


Well they made them, I only have a couple thousand laying around in my various banks lol. I should start whipping them at people more. They’re well aged. I bet they make fun explosions upon impact.

yeah, even if it gave them a 50% damage debuff, there would be that one guy mad “I never asked for your buff, reeeee!!!”

ITS HAPPENED TO ME A LOT AS A DRUID. And as a Mage. And Priest.


Just sell them. I’m pretty sure the bankers will be happy to get rid of that fish smell. :fish::nauseated_face:

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I have gotten that ‘don’t put your stamina buff on me’ lecture. But then on an RP server you expect that kinda nonsense. Then I just whip snowballs at them. Or weighted jack o lanterns. :jack_o_lantern: :jack_o_lantern: :jack_o_lantern:

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Oh no. I’m finding you. You’re getting one. It’s gonna be awesome :smiley:

Not really. I don’t have time to fish stalk people. But here’s a cutie just for you!


Any true pvper knows /spit is the highest form of flattery

But alas those times are behind us


All i have to say is…


/coolstorybro needs to be a thing >.>

that’s not a command though…/cool does nothing. Maybe you have some roleplaying addon?

Timelost gryphons and wolves are the new awesomefish.

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chilibean thinks this thread is /cool
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Sorry man. I gave up on the time rifts after 2 weeks of constantly getting auto kicked outta the end zone. I’m surprised the dream surges allow me to get a hit in before boss is nuked.

I’ll have to stick with blapping folks in the noodle with fishies.


Nobody uses those to RP anymore, they are just used as a way to insult the opposite faction after a BG kill, and many don’t realize that all we see is “makes some strange gestures.”

Occasionally the horde find one that does show up on our screen, like the “Yells at her team” one… I think that got fixed.

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