I think they’re pretty cool and ninja-y. I prefer them over undead since undead are walking corpses and shouldn’t be able to perform badass ninja moves.
and Undead Racials are kinda garbage
They’re getting better in Shadowlands with the removal of PvP Trinkets.
They’re fine. I think aesthetically blood elves do not fit in the horde, but there’s lore reasons they joined them.
Blood elves have pretty good stealth animations, which I think is important as you’ll see that the most. Plus they’re humanlike, so all armor looks good
Overall they’re the best looking on horde side,
Us void elves on the other hand… Well /tentacleflip
If you read the Ellegy/Good War short novels, there is one such character there, a Subtlety male belf rogue. So it’s very valid.
…he also dies, but, details.
They’re the best race to play a rogue on the horde because of their added crit and arcane torrent
Undead are animated/strengthened by unholy magic. They aren’t just shambling corpses. Plus female undead have some great animations.
haha zombie ninja go woosh!!!
I rather just go Dark iron Dwarf honestly, fire blood is a pvp trinket.
Void elves are food for chad Night elves and Gnomes as well as Dwarves.
I like it.
I like the transmog for the BE male and I think the racial is still pretty good!
Male blood elves look too good for the need to steal.
Wait. Correction. They are the epitome of dashing rogue.
Male blood elf anything =
Undead for everything =
What a strange concept. Would it even work?
Too each their own; a Blood Elf who isn’t a Mage, Priest, or Warlock is just super awkward for me. I would personally go Goblin or Forsaken when it comes to a Rogue.
Don’t listen to the ugly people of Azeroth OP. Their opinions don’t matter
Agreed, ignore this guy
Agreed x2
He said Horde rogue race choice.
Being superficially beautiful on the outside only hides the ugliness within.
I know, this is on the topic of general good racial traits.
But back on the original topic… Orc or maybe Goblin.
Male blood elves have a goofy stealth animation. Sure, they look great in leather. And their combat animation isn’t half bad.
Female blood elves though, that’s where it’s at. Their stealth animation is the best.
Close 2nd is female pandaren, third is male goblin (for the giggles)
Yes, I’ve created scores of baby rogues only to check out their stealth and then delete them. Because it’s important.
Edit: You know how looks even better in most armor, female orcs. I just can’t stand their melee combat sounds.
Blood Elf men look kinda funny as rogues because of their upright posture and big shoulderpads but, man, whatever floats ur boat.
Horde side I think the best looking rogues are female Orc, Zandalari and Vulpera.