What do you think is the best dueler / 1v1 class?

So for starters, I know that tuning will change things in TWW and class/spec performance isn’t set in stone.

That being said, I think there’s some strong duelers / 1v1 specs that are consistently good. I’d say Ret, Feral, and Havoc all do well here. Shadow Priest and Rogue too.

What do you think is the best in most situations? I know there are some bad matchups for certain specs, but as someone that just wants to play around in random BGs or hang out with friends in Goldshire / Durotar and duel or pick fights in wPvP I’m wondering what you think lends itself best?

I also know this isn’t “real” PvP and it’s not what the game is balanced around because it’s not SS or 3s. I don’t care; I’m bad at the game, arena stresses me out, and I’d like to use my level boost token on something that can facilitate its own setups and kills in solo scenarios and doesn’t have to rely heavily on a team for that support.

Whoops, wanted to add something but was signed in on a different character lmao.

I also think Warlock is good too (destro / demo) but I feel like that’s really hit or miss.

I guess I don’t know what makes a strong dueling spec; is it just burst and CC?


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