What do you think about this?

Do you think developers actually read through the forums? Specifically, GD?

Isn’t there pathways to submit feedback for the game, such as bugs, etc? What about suggestions? Or is this really the place to drop complaints and suggestions?

Or is this the place to voice whatever it is you are thinking & feeling, but it’s really just a hollow echo chamber?

I ask because I see a lot of complaints, suggestions, gripes, etc… and it can be somewhat amusing at times, but for efficiency sake, wouldn’t you want a more rewarding way to drop your fiery text messages? If not, isn’t it all in vain?

Have a good’un

Given the poor signal-to-noise ratio on the forums? I doubt it.

And to answer your question: the forums are a place for players to talk to one another.

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They probably have a media team that summarizes the trends for them along with Reddit, Twitter, etc… but its definitely not a Dev

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Thanks for stopping by. I see a lot of threads seemingly aimed at Blizzard, though. Solely to complain or make requests. So, in theory, this is a place to talk to each other… yet I see people taking shots at the company.

If they didn’t, this place would be an even bigger mess than it would be. I’m sure forum moderators would toss the hint at the developers to say something like, “Hey, look at this…”.

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of course they do. They want to know whats being said…and this is the best place to hear it.

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If you made a product, youd want to see what your customers are saying…and pretending you DONT read their discussion is better so their discussions arent being tainted either way by knowing youre watching.

There has been more than enough evidence that even Ion himself reads in here from time to time. And he should. The entire team should.

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No, I think reading these forums as a developer would be self destructive.

The bug forums, some of that percolates up eventually.

Not really

Yes, yes it is

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They may read some legit feedback but some stuff they probably glance over.

Probably, but Blizzard / Activision is a huge corporation. Reading the forums doesn’t increase your chance of promotion. They likely get filtered views through a PM team. Most devs likely just implement what they are told.

Also, sometimes if you spend all your work hours programming a game, you don’t have much interest in playing that game or being involved with it in your freetime. I’ve been a game dev and honestly you are always temped to check community feedback but sometimes it gets exhausting as people get very emotionally invested in the game and are constantly trying to sway you to do one thing or another, so you start filtering it out.

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Nope. They might use reddit but im not convinced theyre there either

yes and they all laugh at us

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There is a bug report system in game. Or you can use the bug report forum.

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I think they look at the forum to identify potential issues, but they don’t ever take any of our suggestions seriously.

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They have a team that collects relevant feedback and passes it on to the dev’s.


Skim them? Yes. Do they sit around at work reading them as part of their job? No. Their job is to develop games, not really read forums, reddit, twitter, discords, streams, youtube comments, etc.

Yep :slight_smile: :cookie:

Blizzard, and many other game companies, have an entire team dedicated to collecting that feedback. Those are called Community Managers (CMs). Those are the Blues you see here mostly. They are tasked with collecting the feedback from the forums, reddit, discords, streams, social media, etc. That goes into a weekly report to the Devs, or more often for targeted feedback issues they might want instant feedback on.


Bug Reports are handled by Quality Assurance (QA) who take the report, attempt to reproduce the bug, document the bug, etc. That gets set on a priority list and fixed by the Developers. Usually in a Hotfix or Patch. You can report bugs using the in-game Bug Report tool, or the Bug Report forum. That is the only way to get bug feedback to the right teams.

Suggestions/Feedback can be submitted using the in-game Suggestion tool, or by posting on the Discussion portion of the forums where the Community Managers are tasked to collect feedback. Like this forum here.

I don’t know what you mean by rewarding. Everyone would love to know their suggestion was received, and would love to even discuss it with a Dev. That is not going to happen though. Worse, while MANY of the game changes and features we have are the direct result of player feedback, those changes don’t happen fast. They can be a major patch, or expansion down the road. The disconnect between giving the feedback and seeing results is frustrating to players.

Not sure how to change that though.


The forums aren’t really the best way to gather feedback. People find the most creative ways to complain about the least consequential things on here.

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I know how to change it.

I need the head dev. A banana. And a hangry monkey.



Artwork is strange these days

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