What do you like about WoW right now?

I think disc priest healing is super fun and feral dps is doing pretty good compared to BFA launch and appreciate them making these specs fun and viable.

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Playing my ele shammy is super fun right now. Feels very bursty and kaboom-y.

I’m in the minority, but I enjoy island expeditions because I love pets, transmog and mounts, and I like exploring the islands. I got a mount from island expeditions yesterday, FINALLY!

And I’ve recently been having fun raising my alt through WotLK content again.


flying flying and flying lol


This character is progressing through Drustvar, and enjoying the story there. I could be off on the troll island as well, whatever those quests art called.

I also have an alt going through Northrend. Some of those quests are annoying, but I’m having fun having around the Lebrowski. His rug really holds the camp together.

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I’m having fun taking a dual world tour, leveling up my DI dwarf and Kul Tiran rogue.

I’m slowing down, reading the quest texts, and playing new zones. I feel kind of like I’m exploring again.

For 120 life, I still really enjoy my main, who is a tankadin. It’s just a fun spec to play.

Is the game not enjoyable to you if you can’t fly?

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Its still latent potential.

Idk about latent potential since 8.2 introduced BiS raid gear obtainable outside of the raid.

As long as my paladin is viable and competitive in raid. Im happy with the game. During vanilla when it was suppose to be most"fun" i unsubbed 3 different time. I was enamored with wc 2 and 3 paladin and i could not reconcile the awesome that they were in wc 3 and the joke they were in wow vanilla.


Wow has always had a “smoothness” and polish to its gameplay that competitors lack. Graphics and Music are also amazing for such an old game.

Thats about it at the moment.


I really like that classic is about to release.


I was sitting here for a minute thinking of what to type and couldn’t stop thinking of this.


I really like Holy Priest atm. I’d like for them to go all in with H Priest being about giving boons to their allies.

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So vanilla paladins? Classic might be what you’re looking for!

Nah, kind of like bards in a way. Channel an ability to empower your party stuff.

Also, I’m going Drooooood for Classic.

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I like that the raids are challenging enough to keep me entertained for a while, though gear acquisition is far too easy that it trivializes content faster.

I love the graphics and music of this expansion. Especially from the air, you get to appreciate the majesty of the zones fully. Huge respect for the art team.

I like how my Druid feels. Resto is in a good spot and it feels nice to play, but I also haven’t played or mained much else in 12 years.

I like Mechagon a lot. It’s been fun questing on the island and the dungeon is the best 5 man experience I think I’ve ever had.

Overall? Pretty happy with the state of the game right now.


nothing i can barley log in anymore im just waiting for classic so i dont have to play retail anymore.


The Art and Music teams blasted the ball out of the park.

A shame the story, gameplay, and general feel of BfA dragged such good work right down.


Leveling my fury warrior, getting to the top of the water wall around Nazjatar and just watching the detail in the ocean, also getting a bee mount on my Alliance toon.

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I agree with this to a point but man Boralus harbor music and ambiance is the absolute worst in the game. Change my mind.