These two powerhouses of entertainment are awesome but… its library is gigantic and the true gems get swept away by mediocrity.
What’s your favorite series on there? What’s that one series which kept you griping with anticipation?
what shows to stay away from? all-time guiltiest watch.
This discussion only becomes interesting if it turns out that one of them is making a limited series for WoW…
i think i heard something like a wow movie 2.
I’ve heard that too. It’s one of those ‘believe it when I see it’ things. Might happen but, well, might not.
Amazon Prime has “Good Omens”. You will not be disappointed.
actually i watched it. then read the books. adored it.
valid. if anything very off in the future if they even do fully green light it.
Anything Star Trek is always worth a go.
Except Enterprise. I pretend that series doesn’t exist.
If you haven’t yet,I’d reccomend Castlevania and The Witcher. Henry Caville pulls off Geraldt quite well and it appears to follow the books. Do love the bro chemistry of him and Jaskier as it gives me Xena and Gabrielle/Hercules and Eolas vibes.
I’m watching ‘The Boys’ on Amazon right now. So far, so good. I’m looking forward to the next haunted house thing on Netflix too.
whats that about? whats the proper name for it?
All depends on what kind of shows you watch. I really enjoyed the Witcher, I think that series is done really well.
Currently I started watching Dan Machi which is an anime, it does have the weird sexual things that all shonen anime seem to have, but other than that it has been quite enjoyable to watch.
Avatar is supposed to be good but I haven’t watched all that myself. Rick and Morty, Archer, Bojack Horseman provide a bit of comedy animation with a cynical approach.
Brooklyn nine-nine is a pretty good watch, definitely something easy to just sit down and binge.
Stranger things is apparently really good also but I haven’t got personal experience with that.
Fresh Prince is always a classic.
All on Netflix.
If you really want the definition of 2020 with COVID-19, watch the movie “Contagion”. Overall, the movie is very good with A list actors. However, be prepared to be wow’d on how realistic the movie “predicts” the COVID-19 pandemic hitting the world as of today.
As far as TV shows, Vikings or GoT. Can’t go wrong with either or. Lately, I’ve been binging Hell’s Kitchen Season 16, 17 and 18. “WHERE’S THE F****** LAMB SAUCE!!!” ~ Gordon Ramsey
What’s so bad about enterprise? Don’t tell me you’re offended because they changed the intro song. It’s star trek before the federation was a thing. It only makes sense that it’s completely different from the rest.
Huge doubt. The movie was an embarrassing flop.
The Haunting of Bly Manor. The producers of Haunting of Hill House are working on it. Hill House was slow to start, but it ended with a pretty good bang. Sound, not the other thing.
Watch “The Boys”. Really good.
Here. Watch these.
/hands VHS tapes.
Right now I’m really enjoying Amazons “the boys”
No, it was the story. It was just spotty and left too many threads untied by the end.
Was a shame really because I really liked a lot of the characters, especially The Andorian whose name I am drawing a blank on. The same actor who played Weyoun on DS9.
The Expanse Amazon
The man in the high castle Amazon
Santa Clarita diet Netflix
Travelers Netflix