to fix my waifu. I WILL NOT SILENT ON THIS.
More tank specs
Lack of a truly creative team of developers, controlled by corporate greed will eventually sink this ship. I don’t expect anything from them now. Just waiting to see how long they last.
Blizzard hasn’t made a new game worth touching in years. The best recent outing they’ve done is their TF2 clone known as overwatch, and its “sequel” was a disaster. I refuse to touch anything new they make.
All I’m hoping for at this point is that they keep wow relatively playable and keep allowing me to ignore the new stuff they’re adding in to the game, like the terrible story.
A game where enh shamans have mobility in pvp….
I don’t know what to expect going forward, but I would like a new RTS.
Starcraft 3 would be nice. Remastered warcraft 1, and 2 rts games also would be great.
I’m hoping it realize that the people playing wow are getting older and that options are included in the game to help us out.
That damn cursor is getting harder to find with every passing year!!
Haven’t played
Don’t care.
Don’t care
Don’t care
Don’t care
Really really don’t care
Don’t care.
for them to take 100 steps backwards
I assume they will consolidate on WoW and Diablo since those are the only semi-succesful things they have going on right now.
I think Starcraft is basically dead. They made more money on sparkle pony from the WoW cash shop than they did StarCraft 2. Why waste all that money creating a game if you can get 1 person to make a WoW mount and make more money?
Sad but true. In maintenance mode for the most part. Fond memories from way back. Command & Conquer, and Starcraft rts games were the first games I played after getting my first desktop pc.
i managed to not buy vessel of hatred despite owning every other diablo product ever released.
it felt good seeing everyone give it bad reviews xD i made the right choice lol
*an xpack so quick when the base game was never brought to a satisfying point was a big red flag to me.
More mobile games. Diablo Immortal, Warcraft Rumble are just the start. Feels like Hearthstone shouldhave started it off but I feel that it took off more with PC people but I could be wrong. Either way they’re moving to mobile is my expectations
I spent $100 on the base game, it wasn’t all bad, but bad enough to leave me mad for wasting my money.
I got 1 somewhat decent Season out of it, not exactly what I was expecting.
They’ve been spending their entire time fixing D4. so I had little hope for the xpac anyway if I’m honest.
I may grab it if it goes on sale around Xmas, not worried about it either way, they knocked my fanboi hat right off with D4 anyway.
No expectations. Currently enjoying D4 n D2R. Staying along for WoW at least for the anniversary then will probly go back on hiatus. Will sometimes play HS n HotS, once in a great while Rumble (need to play it it more i do like that genre). Also occasionally will goof off with WC3R. Then sometimes Diablo 1 when i’m feeling ultra nostalgic. Haven’t played Overrated 2 in a while, TF2 is just hands down better no contest. Still got much love for Junkrat though.
Whatever they got coming down the line if i’m interested in it when it comes up then i’ll look into it, otherwise i’ll do what i been doing
I’m not sure what to expect, but I’m eager for a Elder Scroll and/or Witcher-style game set in the Warcrafts World/Universe.
diablo needs the warcraft treatment imo.
scrap world of warcraft it’s too old and barely ever gets new fresh players.
then make “world of diablo”.
I don’t really expect anything particularly new or innovative. Blizzard always excelled at taking what other companies did and streamlining it anyway. And I think gaming is at a point where there’s not a lot of NEW ideas coming forward for Blizzard to try that with and have it be notable.
Even Overwatch was probably just the scraps of Blizzard’s failed in-development MMO.
If they maintain the IPs they have, that’s good enough. There are rumors floating around about another Starcraft Shooter, WoW is still getting regular expansions, Diablo is getting regular updates and just had an expansion, Hearthstone is easy to develop for and gets constant updates…
I think they’re doing fine at maintaining what they have.
HotS is dead, but it never really took off much to begin with and wasn’t really it’s own IP anyway, just a spinoff mashup thing of all the rest.