What do you do for a living

Line and prep cook . Used to be a sous chef but I down graded when I changed jobs.

Long hours and stress of managing are for younger people . Plus after over 30 years of working swing and over night shifts I wanted a position where I work mostly day shifts.

So now I just get done and get out :grin:


I was gonna say I didn’t know forum troll was an occupation and if so how much does it pay

I’ve been thinking of a career change myself. Not sure how much longer I can keep going in management. I find days I work overtime to be the best because I’m just there doing work not dealing with other peoples problems.


Retired US Military. I play WoW 15 hours a day.


Most of my over time was due to others problems like calling in or having to be sent home because they were going into over time.

I sell stuff

That would suck. Most of my overtime is voluntary. Just go in and work a line while zoning out for 10-12 hours.

On the rare occasion I might get asked to deal with some problem engineering created but its only for rush products as they come in during the weekdays so at best its 12 hours late not like on my shift where any ENG mistake can cause us to be 6 shifts behind in production.

Supervisor for manufacturing pet food palatants.

WHen I left the last job I was already in my 50s dealing with people mainly between 18 and 30 and working harder then them.

I finally went that’s enough of that crap .


Retired at an early age as a Senior Supervisor for the USGS after 30 years… Climbed a lot of mountains and deserts that never felt a single human footstep or heard a single human voice… :laughing:


I know the feeling… Pretty much done it all, seen it all. Now tired of it all… So I just play WoW.

I think that has been my biggest frustration. I’m responsible for not only my mess ups but everyone on the floor as well and trying to get people to even make line rates is like pulling teeth. Meanwhile I’m pushing 3x line rate to keep us ahead of schedule so we don’t loose customers.

It also doesn’t help that I’ve been told that I probably shouldn’t send people home. As far as I’m concerned you were hired to do a job, if you don’t want to do it get the hell out.

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Property management, I manage and oversee two residential properties. But I work from home so I get to play while working. :shushing_face:

I know for a fact if you have Micky Dees on a resume it is a huge bonus

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What didn’t help me was the opposite . I was told to send people home.

The head chef would run up their hours early in the week when I was off and at the end when he was off I would have to do all the cutting because corporate would go crazy if there was any overtime besides me. Being hourly management I was the only one allowed to have it.

There were times where I would have to finish up 1 to 3 other people’s prep work plus what ever I was working on .


I forgot what it was like to have labor hours as management in the restaurant industry. I’d finally left that because of the stress and somehow found myself talked back into the same type of position.

I need to learn how to say no to my supervisors.

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I’m that random guy in the office who just awkwardly engages in staring contests 24/7…


Imma a kept man. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Mechanical Planning. Someone tells me what they want repaired, replaced, or installed and I make it happen.

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Talk to you guys :slight_smile:

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