What do we want? High Elves!

High Elves stopped being in the Alliance in WC3


This is factually wrong…I need add no more.


But they have the same eye colour, which means they’re identical, according to you?

Yes, because Blue Blood elves, amputee gnomes and pale Draenei are unique.

Nothing stopping you from asking for whatever unique thing you ask for the Alliance, we’ll continue to do the same with High elves, after our 2 capped megathreads, 1 locked one, and one Locked temp thread.

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High elves went to Horde and named themselves Blood elves.

Now there are some that still consider themselves high elves not blood elves, but that’s like saying that you consider yourself citizen of Constantinople.


Maybe keep helf discussion in the containment thread?

Dont forget those pesky Highval to.

Is this all because y’all just don’t want to grind Argussian Reach rep?



we can’t use the megathread if it constantly gets locked


I reconized that the High Elves on Horde are Blood Elves. But hey, both are still of the same race. Which means, people who think the Horde kills a lot of High Elves on Alliance, works both ways too, the Alliance kill a lot of High Elves on Horde.

OMG, only one small group that causes nothing but trouble =/= Every High Elf out there.


Why did Constantinople get the works?

And you get it locked because you mass flag the Antis there to silence their opinions


Void-infused agents of entropy, light-infused space marine aliens, the Borg but with personality.

I’m sorry you don’t like them, but they have more going for them than Helves.

I’ll take the Citizens of Constantinople then?

I’m not a fan of those dirty citizens of Holy Roman Empire.

See how it works? Same people, different alliances?

Cite evidence please.

Oh and those High Elf Wayfarer that are hanging out to.

I used to think people simply hating on helf flagged the megathread. I believe now they are indeed trolls, but in the other way round. They actually want a lot of helf threads to spawn, therefore they flag-

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One of your side admitted to it the Love High Elves thread.


I’d never flag it, because I understand how important quarantine is


Did you just edgy name them to try and pass off a point?


Do you have that? A point I mean.