What do we want? High Elves!

You should read this underlined bit here, included the bald and italic part. They have changed there name. They have not changed there race.


Ah yes, forsaken look the exact same as humans. Maybe if they all looked like Nathanos, then I’d agree with your point.


I dont consider Zombies to be human. Think they kind of left that behind when they gave up their mortality and went against the natural order.

And that matters why?

Political differences matter.

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It’s pretty obvious. Even their half baked concepts are nothing more than cliche LOTR or Warhammer elves.

They don’t care if it takes from Belves and Nelves just to fill their boring and predictable fantasy.


I can’t wait for the republican human allied race! We have the monarch human race so we should really get this one!


Nice cut quote but you are Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei are different politically. Thats a recognized fact.


Why we already have Stormwind humans, Kul Tiran humans, Gilnean Humans, and non-playable Stromgarde Humans.

Wouldn’t be surprised if Dalaran Humans became Alliance again at some point.

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I just can’t with this post anymore so this is the last thing I’m gonna say. There are three races of playable high elves in game and y’all are still saying, “this game needs high elves!” And you don’t even see how ridiculous you sound to the rest of us especially when this game in overrun with elves. We are playing World of Elfcraft and there aren’t enough elves in game for you yet. Meanwhile I’ll forum post on my Highborne mage, while playing my Highborne Horde warlock(shaldorei) and maining my Highborn Alliance Mistweaver(void elf). We have more than enough elves available to us.


You have one human, one half-giant and a talking dog.

There aren’t even Stromgarde humans, they’re the same as regular ones

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I fully support this idea if you can point to me an existing faction of these humans to make playable.

I will never oppose the addition of a requested allied race so long as it currently exists in the lore.

Remember that your pretty little alliance was responsable for them ending up in the Horde.


The antis really love censorship don’t they?

I will laugh if that leak about High Elves and Ogres in the next expansion is true. All of this effort to suppress opinions for nothing.


Different politics =/= Different race.


Can’t wait for Defias humans to become the next Allied race!



Just as there is one model for Quel’Dorei and Sin’Dorei, at least 3 human nations (plus other groups) share the same model. Some are palyable, some non-playable, some aren’t evne Alliance at all.

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And yet High Elves are the most requested Alliance AR, and Elves are the most prominent race on Azeroth lore wise.

Sorry we and Blizzard understand this and you’re not into it, you’re more than welcome to open a thread about an Allied race you like.

Good night! :crescent_moon:


Dont matter, They are different politically, You are in the faction thats has killed allot of the Quel’dorei do you actually think they would say we are one people .LOL.


You like the model, yes? Good. The Alliance got the #1 Horde model. The Horde didn’t get the #1 Alliance model. I’m glad you like it. What’s sad is those who’ve looked the gift horse in the mouth and acted offended at such a gift.

Me, I think you’re ugly as all get out. But, to each their own.

: )


And we’re the ones using alts, oh the irony~