What do we want? High Elves!

Eye Color is the only thing seperating a Helf from a Belf, and even that’s tenuous


I support High Elvis.

Members can come and go. It is the same alliance. Just because the people change doesn’t mean the faction changes.

Umm blood elves very much consider themselves Highborne because they are. Up until the Scourge invasion, they were led by Anasterian, a first generation Highborne like Thalyssra and Azshara. Show me your source where blood elves have said they don’t consider themselves Highborne. Even void elves are aware that they’re Highborne and still hope for a reunification with their sindorei relatives. They want it to happen via them joining the alliance so they’ll never get their wish but there fully aware of who they are and where they come from.

Nope. Only to you antis, because, once again, their appearance is all you care about. High Elves, still, after having literally no reason not to join the Sin’dorei, refuse. They’re with the Alliance and most likely always will be. They’ve even been breeding with the races of the Alliance.


I am also a high elf.

Don’t do drugs, kids.


Ship of Theseus. Except half the ship burnt off and a fourth rotted.

physically you are correct. philosophically and ideologically you are incorrect.

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Appearance matters. If they’re not visually distinct, why bother at all? The last thing we need is Elves on the Alliance.


Oh good. I can’t wait for the socratic human allied race then!

Arcwine is a gateway drug.

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Yes. You’re first gen. I bet the shaldorei have a good hearty laugh watching humans and lowborne try to dictate who the Highborne actually are.


That is subjective. Clearly there are a lot of us that like High Elves, which is why we’re all here. And Blizzard could do plenty of things to change them visually from their Sin’dorei counterpart. Different animations/idle stance/posture/etc

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Currently there is no lore stating a large population of half elves but given that elisande implied it is all the rage with them I think it should be used as a major differentiating factor to make them playable. No they are not half elves. Half elves are high elves. 3/4th elves are high elves. Pure bloods are high elves.

Because we are not shallow people that can’t see past looks.

Who says they can’t be visually distinct?

Zandalari trolls are just trolls but look nothing like Darkspear trolls.

See how that works? Neato thing Blizzards talented artist and designers can do?

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What, there’s a gaggle of 50, probably less helfers on the forum? You’re an incredibly vocal minority


A high elf, a blood elf and a void elf walk into a restaurant.

The waiter comes up and asks, “Table for one tonight, sir?”


No I’m saying it’s me and blizzard not caring about you guys crying for high elves when there are three playable races of high elves in the game now.


The Alliance was decimated, but not completely destroyed. Before the Scourge:

Lordaeron, Kul Tiras, Stormwind, Stromgarde, Dalaran, Northeron/Aerie Peak, Ironforge, Gnomeregan (plus some Quel’Dorei groups)

After the third War , Stormwind, Dalaran, Kul Tiras, Ironforge, Gnomeregan and the Quel’Dorei groups would still belong to the Alliance, even if most of their previous states were no more. They simply had no leader and no comunication with the other nations which had fallen.

Shortly After : Theramore joins, Kul Tiras leaves.
Sometime After: Darnassus Joins.

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