What do we need to do to get a blue post on merge?

It’s blatantly obvious other than canceling the fresh server altogether, the next best thing is to merge SR and DP. What do we need to do to get an answer out of Blizzard if they will even consider this?


The fresh server offers little to no difference for 99% HC players, since the only thing it adds is phases. They need to make it go through TBC to actually give it purpose.

And either way, merging the 2 current ‘classic’ HC servers is just a good idea, for the players and the company.

I wish they had someone who actually paid attention to the HC community.


you can’t merge two servers with different timezones :expressionless:

the phases are enough of a difference to make fresh HC worth a reroll. honestly i never liked how HC started in phase 6. it’s more fun to do everything in phases, get into a progression guild, do MC/ony awhile, then move onto BWL, etc. :expressionless: game was never meant to come out in phase 6 imo.

While I don’t agree with you on phases, I can understand how someone may prefer to play that way. The only problem is the HC community is too small to split the playerbase. Asking to meet halfway and merge SR and DP I don’t feel like is too much to ask for. The timezone thing is a non-issue, SoD did the megaservers merge and the new servers are doing one per region from the getgo.


you could buy several million dollars worth of stock…

I’m convinced you’re a Dev on a player account.

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